“You taste so good,” she whispered.

He shuddered and let his head drop back as her hot mouth worked on him. One day soon, she’d be on her knees before him, gripping his hips while he fed the length of his cock between her lips. The idea of her red lips closing over the tip of his shaft made it pulse in his jeans. He’d spill again from the thought of her if he wasn’t careful.

He wanted her hands on him, hot and soft on his shaft as he thrust against her. But he wouldn’t ask. Wouldn’t pressure her into that. Instead, he ran his hands up inside the back of her shirt until he reached her bra. With a flick of his finger, it came undone.

“What are you—”

His mouth cut off her words. “I want to touch you, lassie. Feel your soft breasts in my hands. I ache for you.”

She pulled away. “I—um. This isn’t a good idea.”

His head jerked back, and he looked down at her. She was serious. Though her eyes were hazy with desire and her lips red from his kisses, her jaw was set.

“Really. This… It’s just a bad idea. I’m not strong enough for this.” She pushed at his chest, and he stepped back. She hopped off the counter and retreated to the first-floor bedroom. Just before she went through the door, she said, “Um, thanks for dinner. See you in the morning.”

The door shut behind her and he stood in the kitchen, stunned. One second she’d been moaning in his arms, the next she’d retreated. And what the hell did she mean, she wasn’t strong enough for this?


The entire world was white. The ground covered in snow, the sky blanketed in clouds, and the snowmobile between her thighs. Esha was just grateful that the snow had stopped falling and hitting her cheeks like tiny daggers whenever she pushed up the clear faceguard on her helmet.

Warren was about a dozen yards away on her right, speeding over the vast snowy expanse of the Vatnajökull glacier. Felix had picked them up right before sunrise and brought them up onto the glacier in his super-Jeep, a great monstrosity of a vehicle on giant tires meant for the remote Icelandic terrain. Though tourists occasionally visited the edges of the glacier, once you got toward the middle of huge expanse, it was miles upon miles of uninhabited snowy terrain.

Warren drove his snowmobile closer to hers and yelled, “Sense anything yet?”

She read his lips more than heard his words and shook her head. Felix had pointed them northwest, telling them that it was the most remote part of the glacier. They’d been driving for hours—thank gods for the spare fuel they’d brought—but she’d yet to feel anything that indicated they neared the city.

“Chairman okay?” Warren shouted.

She looked down at the Chairman, who sat in front of her, secured to the seat in a ridiculous little harness and fluffy egg-like thing. Felix said he’d made it for his dog, and though the Chairman looked ridiculous, he did look happy to be zipping across the snow. The Chairman had always had a thing for speed.

“He’s fine,” Esha yelled back, and as soon as the words left her mouth, a zip of energy hit her in the chest. She gasped and her hand loosened on the throttle. The snowmobile slowed. Once she caught her breath, she tightened her grip again and caught up with Warren, who’d slowed his pace ahead of her.

“We’re close,” she yelled. The feeling in her chest—that felt like energy ping-ponging off her ribs—grew stronger as they headed farther into the most desolate part of the glacier.

A spot of shadow on the vast expanse of white grew into a great stone monstrosity that took her breath away. It rose like a grea

t stone castle, sprawling across the ice and defying all logic of city construction. There was no way to survive on the glacier except through magic, which clearly hadn’t been spared while constructing the soulceresses’ greatest city.

“There it is!” she yelled at Warren.


So he couldn’t see it. “Stop your snowmobile.”

They pulled to a stop, still half a mile away. Esha climbed off hers and clomped across the snow toward Warren, her huge borrowed snow boots slowing her to a trudge.

“Come here,” she said, and pulled off one of her gloves. When he climbed off his machine and leaned close, she pushed up the clear faceguard of his helmet to lay her hand against his cheek. She closed her eyes and willed her ability to see the city to him.

“Oh, fuck,” Warren breathed.

She withdrew her hand and climbed back onto her snowmobile. “Let’s go.”

They set off again. What had initially looked like a great stone wall surrounding the city was actually formed by the backs of the buildings themselves. They rose tall, pressed cheek by jowl, with glinting glass windows that reflected the sun. Every hundred feet or so, a road or path led into the city. Apparently hiding was enough for the soulceresses of old. They hadn’t been afraid anyone would find them way out here, not in the ninth century at least.

Warren climbed off his snowmobile and joined her. “Do you think we can leave the machines here?”

“Yes. I think they’re hidden within the city’s magic now.”