Esha frowned at the look on Ana’s face. She was scared. “What is it? What can I do?”

“I don’t think you can do anything. But I think Camulos might be alive.”

“What?” The word came out in a near-screech. “No, that’s terrible.” Fear made her skin prickle. The god whom Ana had killed was still alive? He’d want vengeance on her friend.

“I don’t know what to think. I don’t know how he could still be alive. I thought I killed him. But I can feel him, and I couldn’t before. I came here to the Games to see if anyone had heard anything, but they haven’t. I don’t know where he is, but he could be after me. He might want his godhood back.” Ana’s mouth was pinched in fear.

Esha’s stomach dropped. To get his godhood back, he’d have to kill Ana. Nothing could happen to her best friend. She wouldn’t let it. “He won’t get to you. He won’t. I’ll help you.”

“You’ve got stuff to deal with.”

“I can fit it in. I can always fit it in for you.”

Ana smiled, reached out, and squeezed her hand. “Thanks. I don’t think he can aetherwalk. So few can. As long as he can’t, I’ve got a huge advantage. I’m on my guard here, and I’m protected in Otherworld.”

“Seriously, Ana, if you need me, I’ll be there.”

“I know. If I learn more, I’ll let you know.”


“Yeah. But more important, what’s up with Warren?”

“Things are a mess, of course. What were you two talking about?”

“He wanted to know about you. I gave him hell, but I don’t get what your deal is with him.”

“No deal. He can’t see past what I am, and I’m too smart to deal with that kind of shit.” The words sounded false even in her own ears.

“Are you sure? Because he was asking about you. I think he was trying to understand you.”

Really? She scowled at the little burst of hope. “It doesn’t matter. We’re a mess, and we can’t seem to meet on equal ground. It’s bound to end in disaster.?


“Maybe. Or maybe you’re just waiting for people to reject you.”

“Can you blame me?”

Ana sighed and looked away. “Well, no. But I think Warren might be different.”

“I wish.” And I wish I were different.

She felt like she was drowning in this situation, unable to figure out Warren’s motivations and feelings and unable to interpret her own. All she knew was that he made her feel crazy. And she hated that. Worse, he was still determined to kill Aurora. “It doesn’t matter anyway. He’s been lying about Aurora, the other soulceress. Apparently she wants to see me specifically. And he won’t budge on sparing her life, even when he knows how important it is to me. It’s a deal breaker, so there’s really not much to be done.”


“Yeah. But it’s cool. It sets me straight on how this is going to go—all business from here on out. And the first thing on the list is finding Aurora and keeping Warren away from her. I’m not going to worry about him anymore. It was a bad idea in the first place.” He made her too freaking melodramatic, crying and yelling and throwing all kinds of fits that weren’t normal for her. It was unacceptable, and frankly, it freaked her out.

“Yeah, good idea,” Ana said.

Esha could tell from her voice that Ana didn’t believe her. Worse, she wasn’t sure she believed herself.


“That puddle jumper is supposed to get us to Iceland?” Esha asked.

“Aye. It’ll do fine. The university has been using it for years,” Warren said.