“Oh, get up, lazy-butt,” she said, and walked to the window. She stood there for a moment, absorbing the stunning view of the ocean that crashed into the cliff below the house, hoping as she did that she could absorb some of its immutable strength. If only she could be like the ocean. Constant. Unaffected by change, unable to be hurt.

She frowned. Even the ocean could be hurt. If the ocean wasn’t impervious, how could she be?

Esha blew out a disappointed breath and headed to the bathroom. After a quick shower, she found her duffel bag in the corner where she’d put it when she’d first arrived. As she fished out a new pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she realized that her leather jacket had been destroyed by the claw.

A pang shot through her. Her jacket was like her armor. Without it, she felt naked. If she hadn’t used up her last little bit of power on Warren last night, she could conjure a new one. As it was, she couldn’t produce a hair tie.

She heaved a sigh and dragged her T-shirt over her head. No doubt she’d have to find some abandoned eighties windbreaker in a closet of this house and wear that. What a shitty way to face Warren—in some teal-and-yellow monstrosity.

Her snort of laughter was cut off by the sight of a beam of sunlight shining upon the chair near the window.

A honey-brown leather jacket was draped over it. She frowned and walked over. When she lifted the soft leather and turned it around, she saw that the claw marks in the back had been sewn together.

Inexpertly, for sure, but by someone who had tried.

She swallowed hard as her mind reeled. Warren had done this. But why?

Gingerly, she put it on and sighed at the warm clasp of comfort. But all the comfort in the world couldn’t push aside the doubt that crept into her mind.

Warren had mended her jacket. That didn’t jive with what she thought she’d seen on his face last night. Had she overreacted?

No. Of course not.

The Chairman meowed, low and deep. He couldn’t read her mind, but damn it, whatever he was saying sounded a hell of a lot like you’re a spazzy idiot.

She kicked the chair leg, then winced at the sting. She just wasn’t used to this kind of thing! One-night stands were her game. Dealing with Warren was a whole different matter.

And they had to work together.

She had no idea what she was going to do when she saw him, but better to get it over with. She was grateful to see the Chairman at her heels. He’d like to stay in the big bed all day, but he probably wanted to keep an eye on her more, so she didn’t make a fool of herself.

“Good luck, pal,” she whispered. “But thanks.”

On her way down the stairs, she gave herself a pep talk about how their interactions were going to go from here on out. Professional. Courteous. Reserved. She was going to act like a totally normal Mythean.

Together, they would find Aurora, Esha would keep Warren from killing her, she’d learn more about her past, then figure it out from there. Away from Warren, because she obviously couldn’t be trusted around him.

Bright sunlight sparkled through the foyer windows, tempting her with freedom. A short walk wouldn’t hurt, and Warren was as likely to be outside as in.

“Outside it is, Chairman,” she said to the cat who trotted at her heels. She wasn’t avoiding Warren, since she might find him out there. And she needed to stretch her muscles.

As soon as she stepped out into the brisk Highland air, she was grateful for her jacket. The gift. But she wouldn’t think of that. A quick yank of the zipper closed out the biting wind.

The rolling mountains at her back kept her company while the sea shone before her. The Chairman chased bugs in the grass. Though the house sat on a small cliff with no beach that she could see, she could hear the waves crashing on the rocks below.

Within a few minutes of her glorious walk, she sighed. She was totally avoiding seeing Warren. “Damn it, Chairman. Let’s head inside.”

After a quick stop in the kitchen for a granola bar for her and chicken for the Chairman, she said, “Okay, now we’re going to go look.”

The Chairman followed her out of the kitchen, still licking his lips from the chicken and the last bite of her granola bar. Weirdo cat.

She’d searched through a half dozen rooms on the first floor of the big house when she finally pulled up short at the door of the workout room. She stopped dead in her tracks and her heart stuttered its last. At least, it felt like it.

Within, Warren was beating the hell out of a punching bag in the corner, viciousness in every strike. Sweat dampened the back of his gray T-shirt, making it cling to the curves and planes of his muscles. He looked like a damned sex buffet.

She closed her eyes and told herself that she didn’t care at all. This was work and that was what she would focus on.

With a bracing breath, she opened her eyes and strode forward. Warren turned to face her. His broad chest rose and fell with his heaving breaths and his golden hair was mussed.