The Chairman stalked along beside her, the cold autumn wind ruffling his fur and making her tug up the zipper of her short leather jacket. She loved this time of year, when the leaves blew off the trees and swirled through the crisp air. It wasn’t enough to save her mood today, though.

Her friend Andrasta appeared straight out of thin air, and Esha jumped.

“Damn it, Ana, a little warning next time.” But she grinned at her friend, who had just broken through the aether from Otherworld, the land of the Celtic gods. The aether was an ephemeral substance that connected everything and allowed certain individuals to use it as a medium for immediate travel. Esha used it to aetherwalk, which Ana could do as well

“Gimme a break. You know I can only sneak out of Otherworld when the other gods are occupied. And it’s not like I can call you to let you know I’m coming.” Ana smiled at her before she began to twirl in the moonlight, hopping around like a demented fairy. Her accent suited her persona—the odd mixed Celtic of Otherworld’s gods combined with the modern movies she cherished. “Earth totally rocks.”

The moonlight highlighted the petite frame and shining blond hair of the Celtic goddess of victory. Esha had always thought that Andrasta, with her leather breastplate and the bow strapped over her shoulder, fit right in with the haunted-house setting of the university at night better than she ever did. Esha’s customary uniform of jeans, boots, and a leather jacket were meant to blend in with the world outside of the campus, since she spent so much time there.

“Ah, that feels great,” Ana said, as some of her immortal power flowed from her body and into Esha’s. Esha shivered as her skin tingled from the transfer. There was no way to control it—it just happened whenever she was around another Mythean. Because Ana was a god, she provided a huge surge of power.

“Damn, I feel like I could throw a fireball the size of the moon right now.” Esha shook her hands to get rid of the tingles.

“You should. That’s some grade-A god power,” Ana said.

Esha grinned. Ana had been mortal before she’d been made a god. She’d spent the last thousand years pining for life on earth. Having her power drained by Esha made her feel more mortal. It was the only time that another Mythean actually appreciated Esha’s ability.

Mytheans normally hated the feeling of having the power of their immortal souls sucked away, even temporarily, to fuel a being who could use it to manifest any of her desires. The ability made Esha’s one of the most reviled species that walked the earth.

“It’s been weeks since I’ve seen you. How did you get out this time?”

“Cernowain’s golden boar has escaped again. Everyone is trying to grab a golden bristle.”

Esha grinned, thankful that Ana had skipped out and come to earth. Her friend always made her feel better. Ever since Esha had run away from her witch school in America three hundred years ago, she hadn’t had any friends other than the Chairman.

Not that she needed them. But meeting Ana a few years ago had been a godsend. Literally. She snickered at her own joke.

“Didn’t want to stay for the show?” Esha asked.

“Nah, gets old after the first four dozen times. It’s probably the only interesting thing that happens in Otherworld, but I’m over it by now. Where are you going?” Ana fell into step next to Esha as they set off toward the witches’ part of campus.

“Got an assignment for the Praesidium.”

“Ooh, how’s that superfox Warren?” Ana pulled an arrow out of the quiver at her back and twirled it idly between her fingers.

“Ugh, a jerk. Every time I see him, I reach for the vinegar instead of the honey. No question, I’m an idiot. But he’s worse.” Esha kicked at the low mist that had begun to hover over the ground.

“So, is he actually a jerk, or do you poke him until he snaps?”

“You know me too well. But both, probably. He hates what I am. Really hates it. He seems so perfect and nice. I actually thought we had some kind of connection. But he’s been a real jerk. It’s a mess.”

“He has to have some kind of issue. I mean, he’s a total upstanding citizen and all, but anyone that perfect has something really weird about them you can’t see. This can’t go anywhere good. You’ve got to quit mooning over him.”

“I have.” I haven’t. Have I?


“Whatever—you killed the dude you liked.”

Ana stopped twirling her arrow and glared at her. “Don’t remind me.”

“Sorry, low blow. I’m in a shitty mood, and I shouldn’t take it out on you.” Ana had become the goddess of victory by killing Camulos, the previous war god. It had been an ugly mess that Esha didn’t fully understand, only that Ana had liked Camulos but had been in a bad situation with the other gods. To protect her family, she’d had to kill him.

“Fair enough, it’s true. But enough of that. You’re down here on earth. You’ve got a shot at a real relationship! All the men! I mean, sure, you’ve been mooning over Warren for about a decade now, but he’s clearly got too many issues. Maybe you should start looking for someone else, for a real relationship.” Ana’s voice was wistful. Esha had a feeling that Ana might live vicariously through her.

“As if I care.” Liar. “Anyway, even if I did, where am I going to find someone for a real relationship? Mytheans hate me.”

“Brian was a freak, you know. He didn’t deserve you.”