The Chairman meowed his support. She glanced down at his disheveled black form. Nah, that hadn’t been support. He just wanted tuna.

“Later, dude,” she told him. “First we’ve got to see what Warren wants.”

They arrived at the main cobblestone courtyard that sat in the middle of the biggest buildings on campus. She ran up the expansive stone steps, through the great wooden door to the building that housed the Praesidium, across the sunlit atrium and down a wide, wood-paneled hallway.

The oak door of his office was closed, but she didn’t bother to knock. “You rang?” She asked as she strolled in, the Chairman trotting at her heels.

“Doona like to knock?” He glared at her from behind his desk and dragged a hand through his rumpled hair.

Unable to help herself, she admired the way his gray t-shirt stretched across his broad chest. His green eyes were tired, but the rest of him looked tense, muscles bunched and ready to pounce on any threat that walked through the door. Though she’d never actually seen him fight, he had a dangerous air that was unmistakable and hard not to like.

Stop it, you moron.

She jerked her gaze away from him and looked around the room. The book-filled office was dim, the kind of light that someone with a headache would prefer. Coffee cups littered the desk. “Not sleeping much?” she asked.

“No, damn it.”

Had he not slept because of last night? But he didn’t mention it and was playing this professionally, and her pride demanded that she do so too. “Fine. Why did you call me up here?”

“I’ve got an assignment for you.”

A warm little rush passed over her at the words. Self-preservation crushed it. “Oh?”

When he’d asked her to be a consultant for the Mythean Guard a few weeks ago, she’d jumped at the chance to be part of a team. She wasn’t used to working with one, had initially been shocked by the offer and had almost turned it down. But with a little thought, it sounded damned appealing. This would be the first assignment he’d given her.

“Aye, the Witch Council needs help with a particularly difficult spell.”

“Those losers? Don’t they have enough power in their little club to pull it off?” Well, there went professionalism.

“No, they doona have anyone as powerful as you.”

“So true.” She smiled. “Normally I don’t mix with witches, though.”

“It’s your job now.”

“True.” And truth be told, she liked that she was part of the Praesidium. Part of a team. “Whe

n do I go?”

“Tonight would be best. Sooner, the better.”

She had no problem with that. No plans tonight anyway. “Okay. Anyone else from the Praesidium going to help?”

“No, they said witches only, or I’d be there.”

So she’d be alone. With the witches. But she didn’t need any help. Hell, partners from the Praesidium would only slow her down.

“This is important, Esha. You canna screw this up.”

She glared at him. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the Chairman arching his back, disheveled midnight fur sticking out at all angles. “Screw this up? Tell me, Warren, when was the last time I screwed anything up?”

He ignored the question, no doubt knowing he had no answer. “Let me know how it goes.”

“Fine.” She stood and walked toward the door. The Chairman slunk after her. “Tell them that I’ll be there at nine.”


A girl could only take so much, Esha thought as she stomped toward the Witch Council’s section of campus later that night.