“Wow. He does have a point, though. So what are you going to do about your mom? Have you talked to her?”

“No,” she said with a sigh. “I’ve talked to my dad and he basically said the same thing as Thad—that we need to work it out.”

“Well, I’m glad everything is going well with Thad, and I hope you and your mom can get past this. So, what’s going on with you and that scrumptious male specimen who came to your door?”

Faith chuckled. “You are a mess. He’s pretty nice, too. We’ve talked a few times and we’ve done takeout. When I was in the hospital, Brandon promised to take me out to dinner, so we’re doing that tomorrow.”

Kathi’s heavy sigh came through the line. “Forget about that stuff. I want to know the juicy parts, like if he’s kissed you yet.”

She knew what her friend wanted to know, but didn’t really want to share those details. “Yes, he kissed me.”

“Kissed you how? Are we talking a little peck-on-the-cheek kiss or a melt-your-panties kiss?”

Leave it to Kathi to get right to the heart of the matter. “It was closer to the melt-your-panties side.” Though the kiss was hot, she still sensed him holding back.

“Yeah, with a face and body like that, I wouldn’t expect anything less. This could be the start of something good between you two.”

“I don’t think so.”

“California is only one state away and you guys could easily have a relationship.”

“Kathi, I have enough trouble maintaining relationships as it is. No way am I going to add distance to the equation. Besides, I don’t think he’s looking for anything serious, especially since he knows I’m leaving soon.” Brandon hadn’t said anything about a relationship and she wasn’t going to assume he wanted anything other than their dinner date or to see each other until she left as agreed.

“Speaking of that, when are you coming home?”

“I had already planned to be back this weekend. Thad asked me to stay longer and I’m still deciding when to come back. Can you pick me up on Sunday afternoon?”

“Sure. Text me your flight info. Hey, I know where’s he’s coming from. He just got you back after twenty-eight years. I’d want you to stay longer, too. You can do your job anywhere, so why not hang out another couple of weeks?”

“This hotel isn’t cheap, even though I’m getting a good weekly rate. I still have the rent on my town house, so in a sense, I have two payments. I’ll have to start dipping into my savings soon.”

“You know I’ll help you out, just like you did for me.” When Kathi had started her job four years ago, there was a glitch in the company’s system and she hadn’t been able to get her paycheck for an additional two weeks. Faith had loaned her money to pay her rent.

“I know and I appreciate the offer. We can talk about it when I come home.”

“All right. Ah…by the way, you know staying means more time with Brandon, too. I bet you’ve already thought about that,” Kathi said with a giggle. “And what woman wouldn’t want more time with him?”

Faith laughed. What woman, indeed? “I’m hanging up, crazy woman.” She didn’t want her friend to know that she had not only thought about it, but knew it would factor heavily into her decision.


In anticipation of her date with Brandon, Faith got up the next morning and went back to the same mall she and Kathi had gone to before to find an outfit. She hadn’t anticipated needing evening wear. Brandon would most likely be coming from work and wearing another pair of expensively tailored slacks and dress shirt, so she needed something a little dressier than the clothing she’d brought on the trip. It took the better part of the morning to find and settle on a pale blue sleeveless sheath and a pair of three-inch heeled black sandals with a matching purse. She only wished there had been time to have her hair washed and styled.

When she opened the door to Brandon that evening, the appreciative gleam in his eyes let her know that he approved of her choice, as well.

Brandon’s gaze made a slow tour down her body, then back up again. “You look absolutely beautiful.”