“No, I—” She gasped. “Camulos.” She swayed, then disappeared.

Well, hell. That couldn’t be good.


Diana squinted as her eyes adjusted to the gloom of the chamber below the city. It was as dank and dark as ever, with water dripping from the ceiling in disconsolate drops. She shuddered. The chill crept not only over her skin, but inside her as well. The smear of evil left behind by the portal seemed to linger.

There. She spotted Cadan at the far end of the chamber where the portal had been. He sat on a ragged outcropping of stone, his head in his hands. She could swear there was more stone scattered around the chamber. More giant holes in the walls, as if he’d torn at them.

“He’s been like this,” Esha whispered. “We can’t get him to leave. It’s the last place he saw you and he’s convinced that this is where you’ll return.”

“Can you keep your phone on you? If we need to get out of here quick, I’ll call you. Otherwise, we’ll get ourselves out.”

“Soulceress taxi, at your service.” Esha saluted before she disappeared.

Diana might have smiled if the situation hadn’t been so miserable. She walked toward Cadan.

“Cadan? It’s me, Diana. Are you all right?”

His head whipped up and her heart broke at the sight of his gaunt face. He’d clearly neither eaten nor drank anything since she’d seen him last. Being immortal might keep him alive, but it didn’t necessarily keep him healthy. Her heart clutched at the sight of his bloodied hands. He had been clawing at the walls.

“Diana.” His voice was hoarse from disuse.

He stood slowly, as if unable to believe his eyes, and she couldn’t stop herself from running to him. He caught her up in his arms. His hand fisted in her hair as she clung to him.

“Are you real?” His gaze burned into her.


“You’re no’ a ghost.” He shook his head as though he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“No, I’m me.”

He held her face and looked into her eyes. “Then I’ve died as well?”

“No, Cadan. I’m alive, you’re alive. We’re still in Edinburgh.”

He shook his head, clearly still disbelieving. “Nay.” His voice was hoarse. “Nay, it’s been weeks since I left you in Erebus. You’re just another vision.”

He’d had visions of her?

“I left you. A mortal couldn’t survive in Erebus that long.” Guilt was etched into his face and his arms tightened.

“You didn’t leave me. You had no choice.”

“There’s always a choice.” He bowed his head until his forehead touched hers.

“No, sometimes there isn’t. And I’m fine. Andrasta came to get me. I’m here now.”

He shook his head.

“Cadan, you believe in nothing. If you’d died, we wouldn’t be together here.”

“I believe in you. You are my heaven.” He looked at her fiercely.

That punched the breath right out of her and the words followed. “I love you.” She did. Forever loved him. What had been an inkling before was now a full-fledged storm within her. “I love you.”

Cadan stared down at the vision in front of him. It was the most realistic yet. And she loved him. It was a dream, as the others had been.