

Grey went limp on the floor. His energy disappeared from the air, and I was alone.


Something inside me broke, shattering into a thousand pieces. My scream echoed in the cavernous space. Frantically, I pulled at his shoulders, trying to drag him back. To make him stand, healthy and whole. “I love you. I love you.”

I couldn’t stop repeating the words, couldn’t get ahold of myself. Everything was frantic inside me, everything terrible. I was pure energy, pure emotion.

On the ground, his body began to disappear.

I clutched at him, trying to keep him with me. Was this normal? Why was this happening? His form fa

ded even more, becoming nearly transparent.

“Grey, don’t go. Grey!”

Seconds later, he was entirely gone. I sat alone in the dark library, the air so still that it almost suffocated me. My mind went blank with pain and loss.

“Carrow!” Seraphia’s voice sounded from the other side of the library, concern in her tone. She hurried toward me and fell to her knees at my side. “Carrow? Where’s Grey? What’s happened?”

I looked up at her, vision blurry with tears. “Gone. Gone.”


“The curse took him. We were too late.” I pressed a hand to the cold stone tile beneath me. “He was right here.”

Seraphia looked down, as if she might see him. “It just happened?”

I sucked in a ragged breath, my throat so tight I almost couldn’t manage to get the air in. “He was hit by a sorcerer’s magic. It was too much. The damage was too much. He’s been weakening, the afterworld pulling harder. And it was just too much.”

I wanted to scream again, but Seraphia gripped my shoulders, shaking me hard as she commanded, “Breathe. In and out.”

I did as she ordered, my shaking beginning to subside.

“Keep going,” she said. “Get some oxygen into your brain so you can think.”

I nodded blindly, scrubbing away my tears as I sucked air into my lungs. As she’d promised, my mind began to clear. Thoughts returned in a more rational way, driving out the desperate fear and loss.

This wasn’t over.

I wouldn’t let it be over.

I’d brought back Beatrix. I would bring him back as well.

This was what fate had been maneuvering for all along. It was clear now.

I surged to my feet. “Where’s Eve?”

“Asleep, I suppose.” Seraphia rose, a frown on her face. “Why?”

“Grey. I need to find Grey.” I lifted the skirt of my heavy dress, barely feeling its weight, and sprinted toward the door.

Seraphia followed, but I didn’t wait for her to catch up. I raced out into the street and turned right, heading toward Eve’s. The night was quiet as I ran, the moon high overhead. Grey had to be there. He had to be with her.

Her building was dark as I approached, every window black.