
I watched Carrow’s face pale as she stared at the old woman.

“I really look like Rasla’s daughter?” she asked.

“Almost exactly the same. Like you could be related. Not that anyone in town would recognize you. He’s made people forget his daughter’s face, I believe. Forget that she ever existed.” Mrs. Birch-Cleve shook her head in disgust, then peered at me. “There’s quite a bit more to you, too, I imagine.”

“What does that mean?” she asked.

The woman smiled enigmatically. “I’ve told you all I know.”

I believed her, just as I believed that Carrow was related to Rasla. Not only because she looked like the daughter, but because it was the missing piece we’d been looking for—Carrow’s past.

She’d found the Shadow Guild on her own. Saved the place and been chosen the leader, though she seemed hesitant to take on the mantle. It had been foretold by fate, and the pieces were coming together.

“Where would we find the daughter?” I asked the woman.

“The last I knew, she was still in Rasla’s house. Locked away.” She shook her head. “Though I fear for her.”

I nodded. “Thank you for all that you have done.”

Carrow stared at the woman, questions in her eyes.

The woman reached for her hand, squeezing it. “I’ve told you all that I know, dearie. In God’s name, I swear it.”

Carrow nodded. “Do you mind if I try my magic on you? I can read things from people and objects. A bit like a seer.”

“You’re no seer, dearie.” The woman nodded. “But you may try your power on me. I will not stop you.”

Carrow nodded and closed her eyes, her magic flaring. The scent of lavender filled the air, and I inhaled deeply. I loved her scent—would breathe it in every minute of every day if I could.

A few minutes later, Carrow withdrew her hand. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you. This will make a great difference to me.” The woman lifted the bag of money I’d left. It was the least I could to.

But I should warn her. I leaned toward her. “The Devil of Darkvale that you know—I am not that man. If you were to approach him, he would not recognize you.”

Her blue eyes searched my face, and she nodded. “Yes. You do seem quite different. No layer of ice about you, as there usually is.”

“Hardly,” I said.

She smiled. “Well, perhaps the ice is thinner, then. But don’t you worry. I’ve enough now to see me through nicely. I won’t go getting myself into trouble with the other version of you.”

I nodded and set another coin on the table to pay for our meal.

Carrow and I left, moving quickly down the stairs and out of the coffee shop. As we crossed the courtyard, she leaned close. “I’m related to Rasla. I'm sure of it now.”

“As am I.” I looked down at her. “Is that what you saw when you used your power?”

She nodded. “I saw the daughter again, and that woman is right. We’re so alike.”

“Let’s go find her. I know where Rasla lives.” I led us through town, which had become busier since morning. We headed toward Black Church and the neighborhood where Councilor Rasla owned a home. It was one of the larger ones in town, on one of the better streets.

As we turned down the road, I inspected each building. As expected, the doors were shut tight, and there were quite a few people milling about.

“We won’t want to enter via the front,” I said. “There’s no way to stay unseen. But each of these homes contains a walled garden at the back, accessed via an alley.”

“Lead the way,” Carrow said.