“Thank you, lad.” Grey handed him the coin and stood, then returned to me. “That’s that, then. It was recent.”

I nodded. “Shall we go to your place?”

“Yes. I’m not sure how much longer this potion will hold.” He rubbed his jaw.

Together, we slipped down the alley and back onto the main streets. We moved quickly through the crowd, avoiding people as best we could. The streets had filled more, the evening arriving with a biting chill to the air. As the sun set behind the clouds, the night grew dark. More streetlamps flared to life, magic filling their globes and casting a glow on the people crowding the lanes.

We were nearly to Grey’s side of town when a man stepped out of a shop, bumping into me. I stumbled, and he grabbed my arm, trying to keep me from falling.

A shock of discomfort flashed through me at his touch, his magic sick and dark. I looked up, startled.

Right into the face of Councilor Rasla.



He looked just like the statue, with a heavy brow and long nose. But it was his magic I recognized. Evil. Reeking of decay and death.

My heart thundered as Councilor Rasla studied me with shocked eyes. His voice was cold as he demanded, “Who are yo


“No one of interest to you.” I wanted to yank my arm away, but this was too good an opportunity to miss. I used my power, calling it up from within me. It resisted at first, then finally flared to life.

What is going on with you? How do we find out?

An image came to mind—a woman, her face broad and wind-chapped. She held a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other. Brilliant blue eyes stared back at me. The image disappeared.

“Tell me, girl. You look familiar. Who are you?” he demanded.

Familiar? I yanked my arm away, scowling. “No one, sir.”

Grey stepped between me and Rasla. “You will leave us be.”

His voice echoed with power, and I peeked around his shoulder at Rasla. The man’s eyes weren’t really going foggy—not as much as a person’s eyes normally did when Grey used his power.

Rasla shook his head, trying to drive off the influence of Grey’s voice. “You’re familiar, girl, and I want to know who you are.” His gaze moved to Grey. “And you…there’s something about you.”

From behind, I could see the tips of Grey’s hair changing from light to dark. The spell was wearing off, and his face was returning to normal.

Damn it. We needed to get out of here.

“Forget us.” Grey’s voice rumbled with power.

Rasla’s eyes fogged slightly, but he shook his head violently.

Grey gripped my arm, and we strode away. I looked behind, spotting Rasla staring after us, his face twisted in confusion. He didn’t follow us, however.

“That’s going to be a problem,” Grey murmured.

“He’ll look for us.”

“I believe so. My power did not work on him this time. Not well, at least. I am not sure why. He may have taken a potion to protect himself from that sort of influence. Or perhaps he’s wearing a charm.”

I shivered, hoping we could get in and out of there before Rasla caused us too many problems. “He couldn’t have recognized me because the last time he saw me, it was in the future. And he was a ghost.”

“But he said you looked familiar.”