“No. The raven.”

“The raven?” Confusion flickered. “Eve’s raven?”

“Not Eve’s. Yours. The raven waits with Eve, drawn by her Fae energy. It is life, keeping the raven here while it waits.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You will. But first, you must open the book and find your past.”

“Seraphia is working on the book.”

“And she will be successful,” the seer said. “But it will take your blood to finish the spell that will open the book. Then you must find the raven.”

“What about the raven? And I’ll just read all the answers in the book?” It definitely sounded too easy, especially given how difficult and unpredictable my magic could be. My skills were improving, but erratically.

It laughed—or at least made a sound that might have been a laugh, raspy and rough. “No, nothing so simple. But it will be a guide, helping you along the path to discovering what you are and what you can do. Once you know, you will be able to save them both.”

“Both? Grey and me?”

The seer disappeared, its form fading out into mist that once again filled the chamber. I looked at Grey, almost more confused than when I’d arrived.

He rubbed a hand over his face. “That was…not bad.”

“Not bad? I have no idea what to do.”

“No, we don’t know exactly what to do. But we have plenty of clues now. And the seer is gone. We need to leave.”

I nodded, my mind racing to catalog and memorize everything the seer had told me. Obviously, we needed to get to Seraphia immediately. And the raven…

We had to find that bird, whatever that meant.

“Can we transport?” I asked Grey, wanting to avoid the trip back through the castle.

“Not until we are outside. Silviu would never let his prey go so easily.” He turned and headed toward the stairs.

I followed, racing up behind him.

The corridors were empty as we hurried toward the exit. The bodies of the guards lay still and undisturbed, and I began to hope that we would make it out of there without trouble.

We were nearly to the exit when a voice boomed behind us. “Devil.”

We spun around, spotting Silviu on the other side of the room.

He stood on the stairs, his tall form stiff. His black suit was so perfectly pressed and he stood so still that he looked like a mannequin in a department store in Hell.

“Silviu.” Grey’s voice sounded bored. “We are leaving now.”

“I need her. You know that.”

“I’m afraid you cannot have her.” He stepped forward.

“No,” I whispered.

“I’ll handle this,” he said. “Get out of here.”

“The point is for both of us to survive. I’m not leaving you.”

“I cannot allow you to depart so soon,” Silviu said.