He nodded, his eyes flickering with annoyance.

“It’s the only way this can work,” I insisted.

“Of course. Old habits die hard.” Bit by bit, I felt his magical shields drop. The electricity that had pulsed through me faded, leaving behind an empty darkness.

His eyes had not lied—his soul was like a black hole in outer space, sucking in everything in its vicinity. If I wasn’t careful, he’d suck me in, too. Even now, I felt hope flowing from me into him. Strength and energy.

I fought it, focusing on Grey’s touch. On his presence.

Do you have a Cursed Mate?

I asked the question again, reaching out with my power, using every trick I’d learned over the last weeks.

Slowly, an image began to form in my head.

A woman, beautiful and dark. Midnight eyes that flared with life, so different than Silviu’s. Full red lips and gleaming black hair. Tall and vibrant and powerful.

Her species was unknown, but she had magic. Lots of it.

My gaze flicked up to Silviu. “She’s beautiful.”

His eyes flared. “Who is she?”

I closed my eyes again, focusing on the image, trying to pick up anything I could find. A name, a place, a thought. Anything.

The woman stood in the middle of an enormous city, taller than nearly everyone around her. Their faces were shielded from my view, as were the details of the buildings themselves. It was impossible to see where exactly she was, but it felt far away.

“She’s in a city,” I said.

“Which one?”

“I cannot see.”

“Try harder.” His voice cracked like a whip.

I drew in a breath and pushed with my magic, trying to see more about the woman. Nothing came. I withdrew my hand from his, immediately feeling warmer. Less miserable.

Did I want to help him find this woman?

Would she thank me for it?

I felt Grey’s grip on my leg and looked at him.

The Devil of Darkvale.

He was the most feared man in Guild City. Perhaps the most feared man in Europe, save for Silviu, who never left his castle.

Most people wouldn’t envy me my position at his side. They’d assume it was a prison. Yet, I didn’t feel that way. Not now that I knew Grey.

Perhaps Silviu was this woman’s Devil of Darkvale.

I met Silviu’s cold gaze, not liking the desperation I saw in the depths. “I can work with my friend back in Guild City to turn the vision in my head into a picture for you. You can use that to find her.”

A scowl slashed across his face.

“It’s the best I can do,” I said. “That is all my magic showed me.”

He drew in a steadying breath, something cunning flashing through his eyes. The hair on the back of my neck rose, and I looked at Grey. Suspicion flickered in his gaze.