As if she understood, my mother drew back. She looked at me with such love and pride that I thought I might explode on the spot.

“You can do this.” She squeezed my arms tightly, then disappeared.

The rest followed, leaving me in the real Shadow Guild. My friends stared at me, eyes wide and concerned.

My family.

I had more than just my blood family. I had them. My chosen family.



Suddenly, everything felt so much better.

“Carrow? Are you all right?” Mac asked.


“You look a bit pale.” Beatrix frowned. “And you zoned out there for a while. Very weird.”

I stood, my soul full and my magic strong. Everything was calmer in my mind, though fear still nipped at my heels. I shoved it back.

“You look good there.” Mac gestured to the chair. “Real natural.”

“Feels okay, too.” I smiled, though it wasn’t a large one. My heart thundered as my mind raced. “I need to find Grey.”

“I don’t think he’s with me,” Eve said. “Not the way Beatrix was. I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary.”

I clutched the book, my mind racing. Where would Grey go for strength? For the energy required to stay on this plane?

Suddenly, it occurred to me.

“I need to go.” I stood, shoving the book into the pocket of my full skirts.

“Care to clarify?” Mac asked.

“I think I know where Grey is.”

“Want company?” Seraphia asked.

“Part way there?” I looked at them all. “To his tower?”

“Sure,” Quinn said.

The rest nodded. I hurried from the building, unable to keep myself from running. I sprinted through the quiet streets of Guild City, scaring pigeons and annoying night-hunting cats when I disturbed their prey. My friends kept up with me as we raced along.

Not a single one of them had any idea what was going on, but they stuck with me. It gave me strength, the same way that seeing my mother and other members of my family had.

Finally, I reached the courtyard in front of Grey’s tower. The building rose tall and dark against the night sky, the glass a deep, blood red. The doormen stood by the entrance, their gazes impassive.

They still had no idea about Grey.

I wouldn’t tell them.

Both bowed, then opened the door for us. I hurried into the lobby, spotting Miranda by the front podium. She wore a long black silk robe, her hair piled on her head. Her eyes were red, as if she’d been crying, and she stood still as a statue.

“You know,” I said.