“I thought you said you were running away so your children wouldn’t be forced to serve as leader.”

“Forced being the key word. But you are not forced, are you? You want it, I believe.”

Icy fear stabbed me at the thought of so much responsibility. “I’ve just discovered I’m magical, now I’m meant to be a guild leader? It’s crazy.”

“Only if you let your fear drive you and stop you from growing. Stop you from taking your rightful place.”

“And if I do this, my magic could grow in a way that helps me save Grey?”

“I believe it’s possible, yes. You must embrace everything that you are and have faith in yourself if you want to be powerful enough to save him. To save yourself.”

I heaved out a breath, worried.

She pressed the book into my hands. “Take this. Claim your place and believe in yourself. That is your only way forward.”

I gripped the book, hating that the solution to our problems was so vague and difficult. Believing in myself was a hell of a lot harder than accomplishing a set task, like fighting demons or finding a magical potion.

“That book will help you with your magic.” Evangeline nodded to it. “Keep it safe, always, and use its power when you need it.”

“Thank you.”

She nodded and stood. My heart raced, my skin chilling. Our time was almost over. She was finished, it was obvious, and ready to make a run for it. Ready to put the wheel of my past in motion.

I stood. “Can I visit you?”

Her eyes flickered with surprise. “You mean use the book to return to this time and find me?”

I nodded. “Yes. You’re the only living family I have.”

“Living?” She smiled. “I suppose that depends on what timeline you are in.”

I winced. She was right. She’d be dead and dust by the time I went back through the library.

“Perhaps you can visit,” she said. “Go home and sort out this problem with your beau. Once you’ve embraced your magic fully, you’ll know if you’re strong enough to come back here. But it’s a risk every time, remember. You must not change the past.”

I sighed, my heart hurting. I couldn’t come back. Not with so much at risk.

Grey stepped around to my side and met Evangeline’s gaze. “Do you have enough money to start your new life?”

“Enough?” She nodded, though it was uncertain. “I have enough.”

He frowned, then reached into his pocket and handed her a pouch like the one he’d given Mrs. Birch-Cleve. “Take this to help.”

She took it and looked down at it, shaking her head. “How strange this day has been.”

“No kidding.” I hugged her briefly, trying not to squash the baby, then pulled back. “We’d best be going.”

She nodded. “Good luck.”

I gave her one last look, then turned. We hurried out of the garden, cutting our way through the crowd. There was so much to think about and talk about—like what the hell was I supposed to do?

But first, we needed to find Rasla and erase his memory of Grey so that his past wouldn’t be modified.

We made it to the Haunted Hound in record time, passing through to Guild City a few moments later. It was late in the evening, the streetlamps illuminating the ancient city. People milled about, laughing and happy.

“Shall we go to his house?” I asked.

“Yes. That’s the best place to start.” He led the way, cutting through the city.