The room was still octagonal, but it was just stone walls and a stone floor. Not even a door.

“He tricked us,” I said.

“Meant to keep us busy.” She spun in a circle. “It was an impressive enchantment. Where’s the exit?”

I strode to a wall, pressing my hand against the stone and trying to feel for any sort of magical signature.

There was nothing.

The stone was dead and cold beneath my palm. I walked around the room, searching for anything that might show us where the door had been hidden.

“Is there even a seer here?” Carrow asked. “Or is she long gone?”

“There should be. The seer is bound to this place, to the magic here. But I don’t think Silviu is going to return and take us to a meeting.”

“No, I don’t think so. Is he angry at you for leaving? Is that why he’s locked us up?”

“No doubt he is, but I think he’s imprisoned us because he wants you to find his mate.”

“Bastard. As if I’d help him now.” She shook her head. “No way I’m leading that unsuspecting woman to him if he does stuff like this.”

“I think that’s wise.” I finished my circuit of the room and turned to her. “There’s no door that I can find. There must be one, but it’s concealed.”

She frowned. “Eve’s magic should have revealed it.”

“It may be hidden by another mechanism. Or it possibly disappeared entirely and was replaced with a wall.”

Her face paled. “Or Silviu bricked us in while we were busy kissing.”

“We’ll find a way out.”

She spun around, searching. “Cordelia? Can you come here?”

A moment later, the raccoon appeared in the middle of the room, looking slightly annoyed. I was watching my stories.

I raised my eyebrows at Carrow in query.

“She’s become enamored by American soap operas,” Carrow said, then looked at the raccoon. “I think you can see this is an emergency.”

Cordelia spun around and looked at the room. Well, you’ve gotten yourself into a pickle.

“Yes. Can you go into the rest of the castle and sneak around? See if you can find the entrance, then return and tell us what wall it’s located on?”

Cordelia nodded. Just give me a moment.

She disappeared. While we waited, Carrow dug around in her bag, pulling out two more glass orbs. “Looks like we’ve got two bombs. I don’t know how powerful they are, but I don’t think they’d destroy the entire room.”

I walked to her and held out a hand. She passed me one of the small glass orbs. Magic vibrated against my palm, prickling and sharp. “They’re powerful, but I agree. I don’t think they’ll collapse the roof on us.”

“We j

ust need to know which wall to throw them at.”

Cordelia returned a moment later, then tilted her head, appearing to try to get her bearings. Turning, she scurried to a wall and laid a small paw on it. This one. The door is here. I can see it from the outside but not from the inside. It’s not normal—more like an outline in the stone. No wood or anything.

“No lock?” I asked.
