Whatever meal they’d been planning to have had not yet started. Untouched silverware sat neatly by empty plates.

Grey approached, and I followed, my gaze keen on Silviu. I didn't want to look at him, but taking my eyes off him would be like looking away from a snake about to strike.

Grey took a seat that had been vacated by one of the women, indicating that I should sit next to him, farther from Silviu.

Grateful, I took the chair, trying to keep my expression bland as I looked at the vampire.

“Have a drink.” Silviu flicked a hand, and a goblet of dark red liquid appeared in front of Grey.

Blood, without question.

My glass appeared as well, filled with a sparkling golden substance that was probably champagne. Still, I wasn’t going to risk it.

Silviu leaned forward, staring hard at me. “Your mate? Truly?”

Grey nodded.

“How did you find her?” Silviu asked.

I didn’t like being spoken about like I wasn’t here. “I found him.”

Silviu’s gaze shot to mine. “You did, now?”

I nodded.

Silviu looked at Grey. Leaning back in his chair, he muttered, “Lucky bastard.”

“I think so,” Grey said.

“Though you now face death.”

“I wouldn’t trade knowing her for anything.”

Silviu nodded as if he understood, but how could he? He didn’t look like he’d ever be capable of caring for another.

“The curse does not give you long, does it?” Silviu asked.

Grey shook his head.

“Shame. All the same, I am envious. I didn’t think it would happen for you. For either of us.”

“You want this?” I asked, unable to help myself.

“I don’t want immortality anymore,” he replied. “After long enough, it becomes a curse. If I could end this life by finding my mate, I can’t imagine better. Even if I only had her for a little while.”

“I’m here to find a way out,” Grey said. “A way around the curse.”

Silviu nodded. “That is what I assumed. You want a meeting with the seer.”

“I do. Can you arrange it?”

Silviu looked between the two of us, and I wondered if he would ask for a price we could not pay.

“I can try, of course,” he said, his voice trailing off.

“What do you want in exchange?” Grey asked.

Silviu’s eyes went to me, and a shiver went down my spine. “What are you?”