We’d have to hide it from the Council somehow.

Minutes passed, and I shifted. This was taking too long. The air seemed to grow restless, the tower seeming to come alive.

“They know you’re here,” Mariketta said. “That’s what you are feeling. They’re coming.”

Carrow’s eyes popped open. “The sorcerers?”

“Yes. They’ve sensed the disturbance. But the tower is enormous on the inside. It will take them a moment to reach this place. Did you get what you need?”

“A spell, yes.” Concern echoed in Carrow’s voice. “I have the words in my head. But I don’t know what to do with it. If I say it, will it stop Ivan?”

“You don’t know how to stop it?” I asked.

Carrow shook her head.

“You’ll know when the time comes.” Mariketta leaned forward and tapped the crystal that hung around Carrow’s neck. “And you have all that you need.”

“Wait, what do you mean?” Carrow frowned.

A shout sounded from the other side of the walls that wavered through the tropical scenery, carrying over the sound of the waves.

I stood. “We must go.”

“Please.” Carrow turned to Mariketta. “I don’t feel prepared. Tell us anything helpful. Anything.”

“You must go under to reach them. Not through. Under.”

“What?” Confusion flickered in her gaze. “I don’t understand.”

“You will. And don’t forget…you’ll only make it past the barrier at dusk. Make it into the church, and you have everything you need to stop them.”

“That’s still unclear.” Frustration echoed in Carrow’s voice.

“It will become so.” Mariketta voice rang with conviction.

I spun in a circle, searching for the door. The sorcerers were getting closer. “How do we get out of here?”

“There’s only one exit,” Mariketta said. “And they’re going to come through it.”

Shite. “We’ll have to fight our way past.”

“Tell them we’re here to help,” Carrow said.

“I’ll try, but…”

“Carrow, come here.” I needed to be able to protect her. “Mariketta, where is the door?” The beautiful scenery flickered, revealing the stone wall beyond, but no door.

“I don’t know. This space is always changing. The room itself is unknown to me.” Mariketta moved toward her daughter. “Best of luck to you.’

“Tell them we’re here to help,” Carrow repeated.

An explosion sounded from behind me, and I spun. A man burst through the door, his dark cape flowing around him. His brow lowered over his eyes. “You.”

He hated me, and so did the rest of them.

“We’re here to—” Carrow began.

The sorcerer threw a fireball. She dove left, narrowly avoiding a hit.