I loved it.

The low groan reverberated in his throat as his lips pressed warm and hard against mine. Sparks exploded behind my eyelids as I parted my lips and welcomed the slick glide of his tongue. His fangs had retracted, and his kiss was nothing but pleasure.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he crushed me to him, pressing the full length of my body against his. Every inch of him was against me, hard and unforgiving.

His hands moved down my sides, strong and firm, as if he couldn’t get enough of me. Broad palms cupped my hips and pulled me closer. His lips moved from my mouth to my neck, as if he wanted to taste all of me.

When I felt the slight scrape of his fangs against my skin, I jerked, startled.

He was faster, pulling away from me, horror in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t do—”

“I didn’t control myself. I couldn’t.” I could hear the loathing in his voice.

“So the biting and sex are…”

“Not linked. Not normally.” His gaze moved over me, something unreadable in its depths. “But with you… I said you shouldn’t trust me.”

I rubbed my arms, still hot from his touch yet chilled with worry. Maybe he was right—maybe he was dangerous.

I still wanted him.

“Don’t look at me like that.” His words were soft.

“Like what?”

“Like you want me.” He raked a hand through his hair. “It’s hard enough to resist you.”

I wanted to scoff that it wasn’t true, but I couldn’t.

He turned away from me. The movement seemed to cost him an effort. “In the morning, we’ll search for more clues about Ivan’s plans. For now, you need rest. There’s another bedroom.”

“Um…okay.” I walked away from him, knowing it was for the best. But as I headed toward the other room, my heart pounding, I couldn’t forget the feeling of his lips—his fangs—against my skin.



In the other bedroom, my mind still spun. I couldn’t believe that anything could feel like that.

And what I’d almost done.


I’d have given him anything he wanted.

Breathing hard, I went into the bathroom and washed my face. I could hear the Devil’s shower going in the other room and couldn’t help but think of him in there.

“No.” I stared into the mirror, taking in my wild eyes and wilder hair. “Bad Carrow. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

But it so badly wanted to be in the gutter.

I shook my head and stripped out of the dress and shoes, staying in the bra and panties that the Fae woman had given me. They didn’t have any powers, but they sure were pretty. I needed a shower, but honestly, what I really needed was a drink.

Shaking slightly, I walked into the room to find something to calm my nerves. What I wouldn’t give for a box of wine and Cordelia. Not that I wanted to go back to my regular life, but hell, this new life was getting very crazy.

In the minifridge, I found a small bottle of white wine and poured myself half a glass. This was not the time to lose my wits, but the wine tasted good going down. More than anything, I liked the ritual of it. The ability to focus on something besides my thoughts.