“It’s too much of a coincidence.”


“And you’re still going with him to this bar?”

“The alternative is Guild City blowing up, so yes.”

“Fair enough. I’ll ask around and see what I can find out about this, but I bet’s its nil. The Devil keeps his business close to his chest.”

“I can imagine.”

“At the very least, I can snag a transport charm from Eve and be ready to come get you if something goes wrong in Romania.”

“Thank you.” Relief surged through me. Something deep in my soul told me that the Devil wouldn’t hurt me. But the situation we were walking into was totally unknown and seemed to be related to magical criminal underworld dealings. I liked the idea of having a way out.

So, are we doing this or what?

Cordelia’s voice sounded from down below, and I looked down to see the little raccoon. “You’re coming with us?”

I’m always here for the good stuff.

“And the bad stuff.” I thought of Black Church, of her worriedly watching from the shadows.

I looked at Mac. “Can Cordelia come in the shop?”

Of course I can!

“Don’t sound so offended!” I said. “In the human world, raccoons aren’t allowed in shops. They aren’t even allowed in this country, in fact.”

Cordelia huffed.

“She’ll be allowed in this one,” Mac said. “Guild City doesn’t have restrictions like that. Too many familiars.”

“What is this place?” I looked up at the sign, which read Fae Couture.

“The nicest shop in town, if you want a deadly dress.”

“Deadly dress?”

“Yes. The Fae are known for their beauty and style. They use that to their advantage, along with their charm and quickness. Their guild tends to sell spy services and other types of physical intelligence gathering. Not all of them are spies, though. Some turn their talents towards shops like these where you can look your best and be your most dangerous.”

“Interesting.” I didn’t understand entirely what she meant, but the proprietress of the shop had come to stand in the window and stare at us. “We’ve been gawking at her shop too long.”

“Let’s go in.”

The door opened automatically in welcome. As I entered the airy space, birdsong hit my ears. It filtered through the rafters high above, making it sound like we were in a fairy glen. I looked up, spotting the colorful creatures.

I hope they’re toilet trained.

I grinned down at Cordelia.

The Fae woman who stood to the side turned to us with a smile. “Welcome.”

Her voice sounded at home with the birdsong, and it was impossible not to be impressed by her. For one, she was astoundingly beautiful, with dark hair and brilliant green eyes. Her pointed ears were studded with gems, and though I couldn’t see her wings because she had them magically hidden, I could only imagine that they were stunning. The dress she wore was a liquid, glittery thing that fit her like a second skin.

“Are you in the market for a dress?” she asked.

“Two.” I pointed to Mac. “One for each of us, on the Devil.”