Dread uncoiled within me. “Is the writing in gold script on top of a large, antique mirror?”

“Yes. You know it?”

“I do. It’s in Romania.”

“Where you’re from?”

I ignored the question. Townsfolk speculated about my past, but I’d never confirmed it. “It’s a popular meeting place for criminals.”

“Looks too posh for criminals.”

“Top criminals. Not the rabble.”

“Oh, excuse me.” She raised her brows. “I didn’t realize there was a hierarchy.”

“Oh, there most certainly is.”

“Well, our bloke was there. And maybe he got his marching orders while meeting someone else. I think we should look into it.”

Surprise flashed through me. “You would want to help?”

“Of course. This is my new home. And investigating crimes is kind of my thing, anyway.” She pointed at me. “Not to mention, you need to help me with my magic. This is the perfect opportunity.”

“Excellent.” Pleasure flashed through me.

“Just give me one more moment.” She lifted the man’s shirt to check his skin.

“What are you looking for?”

“Any distinct marks.”

She moved toward the short sleeves on his shirt, about to pull one up. I reached out to stop her, but she was too quick. She lifted the left sleeve, revealing an intricate tattoo that looked like the compass rose. North pointed toward the man’s triceps, as if he were leaving it behind.


“That’s a strange tattoo,” she murmured.

“It is.” A familiar one, in fact. One I’d hoped she wouldn’t see. One connected to my past. “Just a bit of pretty artwork.”

Her gaze flicked to mine, suspicious.

Damnation. I’d laid it on too thick.

“How did you know he might be a threat to Guild City and not just your empire?”

“They’re one and the same.”

“Hmm.” The suspicion didn’t fade from her eyes.

“When you’re done here, we’ll need to prepare for a visit to La Papillon.”


“Dress for it.”

“What do you mean, dress for it?”

“You aren’t with the police anymore, Carrow. We can’t walk in there dressed in our street clothes.”