“Kiss arse,” Ubhan hissed.

I left them to it, striding toward the stairs. Carrow joined me, along with her friends and my crew, and handed me the cuffs. At the main level, I he

sitated, listening for anything out of the ordinary.

Sound came from main church.


“He’s started the spell,” said Carrow, and sprinted forward.

We raced after her, moving silently through the entrance hall of the church. The doors to the main hall were open, and we could see right into the round space.

Ivan stood in the center, surrounded by a dozen guards. There were six alcoves situated around the edges of the main room, alcoves that were normally empty. From our vantage point, I could only see three. But each contained three of Ivan’s men, hurriedly marking something on the floor with glowing paint.

I turned to my guards. “You lot take out the men in the alcoves. We’ll deal with Ivan.”

He and his personal guards stood in the middle, atop the bronze star. The floor around him had been painted with an enormous symbol. Its intricate lines were impossible to see well from here, but it would have taken hours to paint it.

Though I hadn’t encountered Ivan in years, he looked as I remembered him: tall and wiry, with white hair and a manic glow to his eyes. It was even worse now, as if centuries underwater had polluted his mind even more.

They probably had.

He held a key in one hand and an intricate metal box in the other. As he chanted, he moved the key toward the box.

Carrow and I sprinted for him. Fear for her made my blood chill and my heart race. At my side, the shifter Quinn transformed into a panther. He ran alongside Carrow, sprinting ahead of her to block her from anything Ivan’s guards might throw her way.

I didn't like Quinn, but I appreciated his loyalty. Anyone who protected Carrow was fine by me. Still, I felt the oddest pang of jealousy.

Mac drew her sword from the ether and charged. Eve’s wings unfurled behind her, glittering and bright. She launched herself into the air, raising a hand that crackled with lighting. Thunder boomed as she hurled a bolt at one of the guards who’d started to attack. It slammed into him, sending him to the ground.

Ivan raised a hand, making a broad gesture that formed a small magical dome around him. It gleamed transparent blue, like the protective barrier that had kept us out of Black Church.

Mac clashed with one of the guards, her sword swinging. She took off his head with one powerful blow, then whirled to find another target. Quinn took out another, leaping for his throat.

From the left, another guard hurled a fireball the size of a small car. It plowed toward me. I powered through, calling upon protective magic I used rarely and only when attacked by fire.

The flames slammed into me, sending pain singing through my veins. I absorbed the heat, transferring it into energy so that I could run faster. I couldn't take hits like this indefinitely—it weakened me eventually—but in battle, it was a handy talent. Maybe it was the ice in my veins, but fire wasn’t as harmful to me as it was to others.

Around me, the sounds of battle rose. Out of the corner of my vision, I saw my guards transform into animals—lions, bears, wolves. They attacked Ivan’s men, scattering them throughout the church.

Ivan stood under his protective dome, still chanting. He was turning the key in the lock now. My heartbeat thundered.

We were too late.

Ivan had prepared the spell. All that remained now was for him to finish it.


I sprinted alongside Grey, racing for Ivan. Mariketta’s spell had been long and complicated, and he was already nearing the end.

Beneath my feet, the paint glowed with magic. It grew brighter as Ivan chanted, energy flowing out from the container that he was unlocking. I could feel it vibrating as the lid slowly opened, revealing a brilliant glow from within.

On my chest, Orion’s Heart began to pulse in tandem, like it was responding to the magic.

Overhead, Eve swooped through the air, avoiding blasts shot by a fire mage while trying to take him out with her lightning. Quinn made quick work of another guard, taking him down and tearing out his throat. Mac moved like a ghost, quick and precise with her blade. More men seemed to be appearing from the alcoves, more backup than I’d expected.

Grey neared the barrier that protected Ivan, moving like a train as he crashed through the transparent blue wall. I followed. Gripping the gem in my hand, I smashed through after him.