“Will do. Good luck.”

I disconnected the comms and turned to watch Carrow.

A few minutes later, there was a brief knock on the door in the adjoining suite. I strode toward it, leaving the door to Carrow’s suite open so that I could hear if she stirred.

I found the ephemeral figure of the Oracle on the threshold. Her face flickered from old to young, and she gave me a knowing smile.

“Finally interested in knowing more?” she asked.


“So you’ve decided it’s not just bollocks, then?”

I shrugged, remembering how I’d initially written off her assertion that Carrow would thaw me and cure my immortality. “I’d like to know more.”

“Hmm.” She sauntered in. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”

I moved toward the middle of the room, where I co

uld keep an eye on Carrow. “Speak quietly, please. Carrow is sleeping.”

The Oracle’s brows shot up. “My, my. You make quick work of things.”

“It’s not what you think. And I thought you were omniscient.”

“No one is omniscient, and I don’t make a point of spying on people’s sex lives.”

“That’s big of you.”

“I’m a saint.”

“Tell me about this thawing and immortality situation with Carrow. What does it mean? How does it happen?”

“That, I do not know.”

“What do you know?”

“She’s your Cursed Mate.”

Cursed Mate.

A memory flickered of long ago. I’d been toward the end of my bloodlust, still a murderous bastard but at least partially in control of my mind and body. Dread unfurled within me. “I thought that was a myth.”

“Perhaps it is.” She shrugged. “But likely not.”

“What is it?”

“Depends on the mates. As you know, born vampires have fated mates. Turned vampires are said to have Cursed Mates. Few turned vampires survive long enough to find their mates, so little is known about them.”

“It sounds bad.”

“It does, doesn’t it?” She raised a brow. “I think it’s a mystery you’ll have to solve.”

“You can’t help? You’re the Oracle, for fates’ sake! You should be able to see these things.”

“I will look for you, but I cannot promise what I will see.”

“You seem to be able to see what suits you.”