I inspected my arm. “Wow, thanks.”

She tapped my back, and the entire dress warmed. “And now you’ll be forgettable. Not during your encounters, mind you. You’ll still be able to charm others into giving you information. But as soon as you walk away, it will be difficult for them to remember your face.”

“That’s amazing.” My mind raced. “Can I be extra fast?”

“I can give you a bit of speed. Perhaps a couple other things.”

“Give me the works, then. No expense spared.” I pointed to Mac. “Her, too.”

The Fae tapped me once again, and this time the magic was slightly chilly. She did Mac next, giving her similar enchantments. I wasn’t sure what Mac would do with her dress, but hopefully, she’d tell me the details later.

“Now, shoes!” The Fae woman moved to the back, and we followed.

She kitted us out with stilettos that felt like trainers and could make u

s graceful and agile, then moved on to jewelry, including a bangle that turned into blade and a pendant necklace that could hold hidden charms.

Makeup and hair came next at a little salon next door, and when we were done, we looked like a million quid and could charge that much on the black market as spies.

“Well, that was amazing,” Mac said as we stepped out onto the street.

It was finally dark, and neither of us looked too out of place in our fabulous ensembles. The Devil waited for us, leaning against a tree in an impeccable slim-cut tuxedo that made him look like a posh killing machine. He was impossibly handsome with his dark hair and slate eyes. They seemed to heat when he looked at me, and I was reminded of the fire banked deep inside him.

I quirked an eyebrow at him, and he shifted, clearing his throat. “You look lovely. Both of you.”

“Thanks, mate.” Mac grinned cheekily and pointed at him. “Be careful with Carrow. Because I’ll come for you if anything happens to her.”

“I’d expect nothing less.”

Mac nodded, then gave me a hug. “I’ll see you later. I’ve got some business to attend to. But call me if you need anything.”


She skipped off down the street, and I turned to the Devil. “Do we leave from here?”

“Yes.” He held out a hand, and I looked at it but didn't take it. “We’re going to use a transport charm. It’d be better if you held my hand.”

“You mean I’d be more likely to get to the right location?”


I stepped forward and gripped his large hand, shivering as heat raced up my arm. His hand swallowed mine, and I tried not to enjoy the sensation. “How does it work?”

“It creates a temporary portal through the ether that responds to my wishes. The ether will transport us wherever I request.”

“Oh, boy. That sounds….”


“Crazy.” I looked down at my enchanted dress, which was something out of my wildest fantasies. “But crazy doesn’t mean impossible, so let’s go.”

“Hold on tight.”

His words rushed through me, and now that I had got hold of him, it amazed me how natural this felt.

