Page 73 of Her Secret Daughter

If Jacob took the job to oversee this project, did that mean they’d be staying in Grace Haven? And if they did—

Heat climbed her cheeks with this next thought…

Was he interested in her? Was he falling in love with her like she was with him? And could they honestly forget the past? And what about Addie? How could she ever tell Addie the truth?


She went to bed with more questions than answers, and woke up the same way.

By ten o’clock she was ready, and when Jacob rolled his upscale SUV into the driveway, she climbed into the front seat, high-fived Addie behind her and fastened her seat belt.

“I didn’t think you could beat last night’s look, but you did.” Jacob checked out her lace top and the loose capris, cinched in with a turquoise scarf that matched her earrings. “I feel like I’m picking up a Native American princess, which must come from your father’s side because your mother is way too fair.”

“My Grandma Gallagher was Cherokee, so my dad was part Native American,” she replied. “But he definitely favored the Cherokee side of the family. Me, too.”

“Do you look like your daddy, Josie?”

She made a face at Addie. “Well, I think I’m a combination of my Grandma Gallagher and my Grandma Moore. I look like both of them. It’s funny how things skip generations sometimes,” she went on as Jacob turned into a driveway just a few minutes into their trip. “Is this where we’re going? The Soules’ house?”

“Yup.” Jacob climbed out and Addie followed.

Josie got out at a slower pace. “Do you know them?”

“I don’t. But she does.” He pointed as one of the successful local Realtors pulled into the driveway behind them. “Linda’s going to show us some houses. Did I forget to mention that?”

He’d moved closer, gazing down into her eyes, and his expression teased. “I’m sure I meant to say something, Josie.”

“You’re staying.”

“Yes!” Addie fist-pumped the air and grabbed Josie. “I’ve been dying to tell you that, but Dad said I have to learn to be good about keeping secrets, the good ones, you know, the kind that surprise people with good stuff?”

Linda had come up alongside them. “Does she stop for air?”

“Not as a rule,” Jacob replied.

“Ah, the excitement of youth.” Linda motioned toward the classic hillside home. “Let’s check this one out first, shall we?”

She moved ahead to unlock the door of the pretty brick split-level overlooking the water.

“There are others to see?”

“Several,” Jacob told her as they walked toward the door. “Because sometimes you know you need to keep on shopping, Josie. Other times…” He cradled her cheek with his hand, and his eyes said more. Much more. “…you know you’ve already got the best thing that could ever happen to you.”

“Jacob, I—”

“Let’s check it out.” He led her forward, and they spent the next two hours house hunting, looking at granite countertops and fancy fireplaces and lofted ceilings. All beautiful, all upscale, and not one of them exactly right.

And then they pulled into a log cabin ranch, tucked into the hills as if it was part of them, and Josie let out a breath. “The clearing there, for a garden. And down below, too. But mostly woods, and how perfect for a play area, Jacob. Right there. And can you imagine it trimmed with colored Christmas lights, shining through the woods at night?”

* * *

He could, now that he’d seen it through her eyes. Addie raced around the yard, looking this way and that. “I love this one the most, Dad! It’s the most perfect house ever! What do you guys think? Can we get it?”

Josie started to back away from the conversation, but Jacob slipped an arm around her waist and wouldn’t let her go. “What do you think? It’s not in a neighborhood, and tucked away just enough to offer privacy with a view.”

“You remembered.”

“I did.” He locked his hands around her waist, refusing to let her go. “Do you love it?”

“Well, yes…” The log cabin house was beautiful. Wonderful. But nothing compared to the man holding her, or the child running free between the trees.