He smiled as he settled into his pillow.
He could definitely live with that.
“Dad! I see Josie over there!” Addie grabbed his arm and pointed to the right side of the small stone church. “Can we sit with her? Please?”
He waited as Addie slid into the pew, then followed.
She hugged Josie, then reached around and hugged Josie’s mother, too. “Good morning, Mrs. Gallagher.” She hissed the whisper that wasn’t all that much of a whisper.
“Addie. Good morning, darling girl.” Josie’s mother smiled wide and noted Addie’s outfit. “I love your dress. And those sandals are very popular right now.”
“Thank you!” Addie preened, then leaned into Josie’s arm as if meant to be there. “I’m so excited we get to sit together in church! Dad and I like to go to different churches, to see what’s going on.”
“Plus my daughter likes to meet new people,” Jacob added softly.
“I do that, too.” Josie patted Addie’s arm. “I like hearing the different preachers and appreciating the different settings.”
“Dad, see what I mean? Josie likes the same things we do. I think that’s really, really nice, don’t you?”
He did think it was nice, and when Josie lifted those hazel eyes to his, he was pretty sure doing anything with Josie Gallagher would be the nicest thing of all. “I concur. But, shh.” He indicated the organist with a glance. “Time to pay attention.”
When the service ended, Jacob waited a few moments for Addie to light a candle.
She loved lighting candles in churches; it had become a thing with her when they’d moved here. She’d make a donation, light a candle, then kneel and say a prayer. To Addie, it didn’t matter what kind of church she was in. If it had a bank of votives, she made sure to light one.
When they stepped outside a few minutes later, it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright, sunlit day. When they did, he looked around.
No Josie.
Her mother was standing at the edge of the walkway, though, with two women. One of the women poked Cissy Gallagher and pointed to Addie. “Cissy, that little one looks enough like you to be your twin when you were that age. Do you see that, Jillian? Same hair, same eyes.”
“You’re being silly,” Cissy told her as Jacob and Addie drew closer, but not in a normal mode of speech. She looked nervous, as if the other woman’s words meant something.
“I expect it’s the accidents of color, but Audrey’s right.” The third woman smiled their way. “She looks way more like you than any of your children did.”
“And I expect Addie is complimented by the thought of looking like you, Mrs. Gallagher.” Jacob palmed Addie’s head. “I have to admit, I think she’s pretty darned cute myself.”
“Oh, she is.” The third woman offered her hand. “I’m Cissy’s sister, Jillian. And I want to congratulate you on the success of your opening. We’re quite excited about the opportunities the Eastern Shore Inn will afford to folks around here. A job well done.”
“Thank you.” He turned toward Josie’s mother. “Did Josie head back to work?”
“Yes.” She gazed up at him with a frank look, as if she wanted to say more, but didn’t. “A busy day, she said.”
“Our first Sunday, so yes. I expect it will be cranking. Ladies, a pleasure meeting you.” He tucked Addie’s hand in his and moved on.
Folks waved to him as he passed. The pastor stopped him and they chatted briefly. Around him, summer flowers bloomed, boughs of thick, green leaves offered welcome shade, and a sky so blue it seemed unreal provided the perfect backdrop.
He could live here, he realized.
He could make this their home, and maybe, if things went right, it wouldn’t be just a home for him and Addie.
The thought of a home with Josie made him walk faster. He dropped Addie off at his parents’ rental cottage and headed to the resort.
People milled about the beach.
Bright umbrellas dotted the sandy shore, and folks were docking boats where Josie’s restaurant used to be, a few hundred feet up the shore.