“Is that it?”

“Unless you want to stay up here, it is.”

“All right, let’s go.”

I gave Remington a last nod of thanks, then followed the Devil off the roof. We made our way back to the city wall in silence. When we reached it, the Devil said, “I’ll walk you back to where you are staying.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Do you know your way?”

“I do.” We’d taken a circuitous route to get there—all of the routes seemed that way in this ancient city—but I thought I could find my way back to Mac’s place. “I have a good sense of direction.”

“I’ll walk you anyway.” He strode toward the stairs that led down from the wall.

I hurried after him, knowing there was no point in arguing.

As we walked, I tried to ask him about the Vlad the Impaler stuff, but he didn’t answer. Irritating, but I didn’t press it. He was still a vampire, after all. And even though he hadn’t bitten me, he’d definitely been looking at my neck more than I liked.

He stopped at the green door that led to Mac’s stairs and turned to me. “I’ll let you know when I know something.”

“Thank you.”

He didn’t wait for me to say anymore, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to. There were questions I still wanted to ask, but I hadn’t come up with the guts.

As the Devil disappeared down the street, I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, her voice sounded from above me. I looked up, spotting her hanging out of the window and grinning. “Hey there! Any luck?” she called.


“Come on up. It’s open.”

I pushed my way inside, climbing the stairs to her flat. The door was open to the stairwell, and Quinn and Eve were inside, drinking a beer. The raven sat on the windowsill. It was well after midnight.

“The Haunted Hound closed, so we were having a little after-party,” Mac said. “And waiting for you.”

“Worried?” I asked.

“With the Devil as your companion?” Eve raised an eyebrow. “Yes.”

“Are you really not susceptible to his mind control?” Quinn asked.

“I’m not.”

Eve hummed. “That’s interesting.”

“I’m really the only one?” I couldn’t believe it.

“Really and truly,” Mac said.

I whistled low under my breath.

“Where are you with the murderer?” Mac asked.

I told them about the Sorcerers’ Guild and Remington and the finding spell, not leaving anything out. He hadn’t told me that any of it was meant to be a secret, and I considered Mac my ally here. Quinn and Eve, too.

“He’s got his own secret entrance to the Sorcerers’ Guild?” Eve’s brows rose.

“Yep. And Remington at his beck and call.”