“I thought you didn’t want to get to know each other.”

“Fine.” I didn’t really need that information, anyway. “So you think the killer might be this necromancer?”

“Yes. And I think he might be up to something that threatens me and my empire. An acquaintance tipped me off that he came into town about a year ago. At the same time, a valuable dagger of mine was stolen. Perhaps by him.”

“You think he used it in the murder.”

“It was capable of great magic, so yes, it is possible. When our victim was killed, there was a flare of magic—likely from a spell performed at the time. I tracked that magic and was going to investigate the scene when you showed up.”

I supposed the story worked. And the flare of magic described the crazy symbol inside the victim’s chest. There was no way I’d be letting my guard down, though. “You have no idea what this necromancer is after?”


“Why haven’t you looked for him, then? Why give me clues?”

“Because you’re competent and skilled and will get the job done. Leaving me free to spend my time on other things.”

“Like?” He’d better be trying to solve this damned murder, too, if I was going to trust him.

“I’ve been hunting the necromancer here in Guild City.”

“Caught him yet?”

“Sadly, no.” His voice had a wry lilt that I liked. “But there have been flares of dark magic at the churches surrounding Guild City. Ones in the human realm.”

“That’s strange that he would be in the human realm.”

“Not that strange. Many supernatural live and work there. You’ve just never seen them.”

“Right. Say I believe you. Say you have nothing to do with this at all. Where do we go from here? Do you have any clues for me?”

“I was rather hoping you’d have some for me.”

“I did find something.” I hesitated.

He moved nearer, his steps slow, as if he wanted to avoid startling me. I thrust out a hand. “No closer.”


His mind control power didn’t work on me, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t afraid of him. “You’re a vampire, for God’s sake. With fangs and maybe even super speed.”

“Yes to both, but I don’t attack unarmed women.”

“Armed ones?”

“Rarely. And only if they’re out for my head.”

“I suppose that’s fair.”

He shrugged. “I’m a feminist vampire.”

“Vlad the Impaler is a feminist?”

“Searching for history?”

“I don’t even know your name. Everyone just calls you the Devil.”

“If it fits….”