Any other man might have quailed under the Devil’s frigid glare. My companion stepped closer to me, raising one eyebrow. “We need to be on our way.”

“I’m fine, Quinn.” I touched his arm to reassure him and immediately felt the weight of the Devil’s stare on my hand.

He didn’t want me to touch Quinn. He didn’t like it.

I glanced quickly at the Devil, certain that I spotted jealousy in his eyes.

No way. That wasn’t possible.

I turned back to Quinn. “I’ll see you later. We need to run.”

“I’ll be at the bar. Check in when you get back, so I know you’re safe.”

“She’ll be fine.” The Devil’s voice was as icy as his demeanor.

“I’d like to see for myself.”

What the hell was happening?

Were two enormous, handsome, powerful men fighting over me?

Because that was sure as hell what it felt like. And boy, was that unusual.

“Be careful.” Quinn gave me one last look before he turned and entered his building.

“Come on.” The Devil’s voice was cold, but the chill I heard was not directed at me. It was almost as if he could shoot icicles at Quinn’s retreating back.

Together, we strode in silence toward the city gate. I didn’t mention the encounter or ask the Devil about his behavior. Underneath his cool exterior, I sensed that he’d surprised himself. Or maybe I was making that up.

Seeing the two of them together had been a revelation, though.

If I were wise, I’d be interested in Quinn. Handsome, strong, clever, nice.

Instead, I wanted the Devil of Darkvale—also handsome and strong and clever, but scary and powerful and cold and mysterious.


I sneaked a glance at him, noting the way the sunlight gleamed off his dark hair. Hang on… “You can go in the sunlight?”

“Did you expect me to burst into flame?”


“No, that only happens in a church.”


“Also no.”

I grumbled. “Where are we headed?”

“London. Your London.”

Damn. I didn’t have a face-concealing potion, and there wasn’t time to find one. Not if we wanted to save this person, whoever they were. I’d just have to keep my head ducked.

Instead of going to the gate that Mac and I had been using, the Devil led me to the other side of town, back toward his club.

I frowned. “The gate isn’t this way.”