“What’s wrong?” Mac demanded at once.

“The Devil got to me,” Eve said. Behind her, the raven twitched in irritation.

“Damn it.” Mac looked between Eve and me. “What did he want to know?”

“He forced you to do something?” I asked, my mind racing with horrible ideas.

“He wanted answers.”

“About what?” Mac asked.

“About her.” Eve nodded at me. “Her name, what she does. Anything I knew.”

“Is that how he found us at the party last night?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I didn’t know that, so he probably found that info somewhere else. But I did tell him your name and what you can do. I tried to fi

ght it, but I couldn’t.

Mac shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Eve. No one can help it. That’s the point of his power.”

I didn’t mention that I could help it. But I also didn’t blame Eve. I’d felt the strength of his magic last night after the potion pong game. It would be impossible to resist.

“Well, I’m sorry,” Eve said. “Probably better if you don’t tell me anything.”

“Can we ask for help, though?” I asked.

“Definitely.” Eve’s shoulders seemed to sag with relief. “I would be delighted. I feel like I owe you.”

“You don’t.” I shook my head. “From what I understand, the Devil’s ability to force people to do his bidding is part of life here.”

In fact, it seemed that he was so powerful, he basically owned this city. No one could move without him knowing it. I shivered, wondering if this place was even more dangerous than London.

“You’re telling me.” A cloud crossed Eve’s face. “But what can I help you with? And keep the details to a minimum. I don’t want the Devil getting your info out of me.”

“Okay…” He knew what I was going to try to do, but it’d be best to play by her rules anyway. “Do you have anything that will force people to do what I want them to do?”

“You want a power like the Devil’s, huh?”

“Wouldn’t be bad.”

“True enough, it wouldn’t.” She went to a shelf and got down a small vial. “This is a powder that will make someone perform a small task for you. Nothing too intense, of course. You couldn’t compel someone to kill, for instance.”

My brows popped up. “Whoa, wasn’t thinking of that as an option, actually.”

“Okay, good. Well, it should work pretty well at getting someone to do something small, then. But they’ll pass out immediately after.”

“It won’t hurt them, right?”

“No, it will exhaust them.”

“That’s fine. What about another freezing potion?” Mac asked. “That would be handy.”

“You can have two. What else?”

Mac’s eyes widened. “Wow, you really feel guilty, huh?”

“Yeah. Way guilty. He…he has his eye on her in a big way, and I don’t know why.”