“What bastard?”

“The Devil of Darkvale came here.”

Mac laughed like I was crazy. “That ambrosia hit you hard.”

“No, I swear it.” I turned to her, heart pounding. “I know he was here. I saw him.”

Mac’s brows rose. “Really?”


“Wow. That’s unusual.”

“He doesn’t normally come to this party?”

She laughed again. “He doesn’t socialize at all. Honestly, I don’t know what he does in the evenings. Torture people for fun?”

“If he really was Vlad the Impaler, then maybe.” The thought made me shiver. If history was anything to go by, Vlad had done horrible things. If he was truly a vampire, then those horrors could have been multiplied tenfold.

And if the Devil really was that man, then I didn’t want his interest at all.


“He came here for you?” Mac sounded nervous.

“He said he was interested in me. And I got confirmation that his power doesn’t work on me. And that he didn’t commit the murders.”

“He took Eve’s potion?”


Mac whistled low. “Well, try to avoid him if you can, anyway.”

I nodded. It was the best idea I’d heard all day, even as part of me screamed to get closer to him. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah. Jeeves gave me the potions to change our faces. And I got some stuff to sober us up.” She shoved a glass at me. “Drink that. You’ll feel normal in no time.”

I swigged it back as she drank her own.

“Let’s get out of here,” she said. “It’s nearly dawn.”

“What?” Shock lanced me.

“Time flies at the Witches’ Guild.”

“No kidding.” Exhau

stion tugging at me, I followed her from the house. As we walked through the pool room, I passed Coraline and pointed to the bikini I still wore. “Can you put me back to normal here, please?”

“Fine.” She gave me an up and down look. “But you look better like that.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. My own clothes, please.”

“If you insist on those abominations.” She waved her hand at me, and my clothes reappeared on my body, replacing the bikini.

“Thank you.”

“No problem, babe. Come on back anytime. We like you.”