“I know everything.”


“I do.”

“What’s my favorite ice cream?”

“Everything that matters.”

“Oh, that matters.” I inched forward a bit under the guise of leaning against the wall.

He held out his hand, palm up. “I know what you want. Go ahead.”

I glared at him, not liking that I was transparent. I was also wearing about twelve square inches of fabric right now, so it wasn’t like I had any secrets here. And I wanted to know his secrets.

Quick as a snake, I shot my hand out and gripped his.

Heat surged up my arm, suffusing me with warmth. Attraction tightened in my lower belly, and a shiver ran over me.

But there was no information to be had.

I blinked up at him. “There’s nothing.”


“This can’t be right. My power always works.” It might not show me what I wanted to see, but it always showed me something. I tried not to focus on the place where our palms still met. Awareness buzzed through me, so intense that it made my head spin. I didn’t know if I wanted to run away or throw myself at him.


Visions of us in bed together flashed in my mind, but it was just my imagination. In fact, my imagination was pretty damned stellar at conjuring visions of him naked. Lots of lean muscle and eager hands and a hot mouth.

Whoa, girl.

I jerked my hand back, shocked.

That was all my imagination. Right?

“Done so soon?” he asked, his voice smooth.

Gasping slightly, I tried to get it together. I was just drunk, that was all. And I should be using this opportunity to grill him for more information if I couldn’t read it from a touch.

But what did it mean, the fact that our powers didn’t work on each other?

“Why are you so interested in this murder?” I asked. “That is, if you aren’t the murderer.”

“Would you be standing in a darkened hallway with a murderer?”

“I’ve done worse. And I can protect myself.”

“Without a weapon? Without shoes, even?”

Yeah, he had a point. I was woefully underprepared. I could blame the witches and their potions all I wanted, but I’d gotten myself in here.

I stepped back. “Well? Why are you so interested?”

“Carrow?” Mac’s voice sounded from the room outside the hall. I turned to look for her and saw her enter the hallway with a confused frown. “What are you doing back here alone?” she asked.

“Alone?” I turned back to the Devil, but he was gone. “Shit. That bastard.”