Page 52 of Someone Like You

Adam opened the glass doors with gilded handles forming a V. The store housed some of the most beautiful jewelry in the world. Teddy pushed the door closed and stepped aside. She stood in front of one of the windows. Behind the glass was a diamond necklace. A huge stone was set at the center, completely surrounded by rubies. It was beautiful.

Teddy turned away from it. She didn’t want Adam to see the awe on her face at beauty so exquisite it took her breath away.

“Adam, why are we here? There’s only a few weeks left before we end this charade. I don’t need an engagement ring.”

“Your mother wants a photo and mine calls me nearly every day and asks if we’ve got the ring and have we set the date.”

“I can wear that ring I had on at the fashion show. It’s hard to tell the difference between that and a real diamond.”

Adam frowned. “You don’t think our mothers will be able to tell the difference?”

Teddy knew they would. “Not in a photograph and I’m sure I can avoid your mom for three more weeks. I’ll be working several weddings in that time and I won’t be available for visits.”

“And when they show up on your doorstep, unannounced. What will you do then?”

“I’ll think of something,” Teddy told him. She knew it could happen. When her dad spoke at the symposium, that had been impromptu. Her father could have come alone as he often did when he went to speak at colleges. Her mother had come to Princeton to check on her and Adam.

“Why don’t we just go in and look,” Adam suggested. “We’re already here.”

That sounded a lot like the first dinner they had together. They ate because they were already at the restaurant. And look where that had led her.

Despite her protests Adam ushered Teddy inside. With all the holiday traffic, entering Varrick’s was like finding a sanctuary. There were no crowds rushing past her, no frantic mothers vying for the hot toy of the season.

Teddy followed Adam. He went straight to the counter holding engagement rings as if he’d been there before. Then she remembered he had been married. But he was very young then and his business was new. She doubted he could have afforded a ring from Varrick’s.

“Adam, I really don’t need a ring.” Even as she said it, Teddy looked in the case at the settings being displayed. She held her breath so she wouldn’t gush over what she saw. “I’m sure we can tell our parents that we want to find the right one before committing. Or that you’re planning to give it to me on Christmas. Since this will be over by then, we shouldn’t go through buying one.”

“If we don’t choose a ring, they’ll probably choose one for us, and tell us it’s a wedding present. Like I said, let’s just look. If you don’t like anything, we can leave.”

When they emerged an hour later, Teddy was wearing a square-cut flawless diamond engagement ring. It felt heavy and foreign on her hand. She knew she’d tried to talk Adam out of a ring altogether, but secretly she loved it. Even though their pretense wasn’t going to last much longer and there was no reason for her to have a ring, especially one that was over five carats and cost enough to rival half of the inventory at Weddings by Diana. Still, Teddy loved it.

Adam took her hand and looked at the huge stone. “My mother would expect it and I’m sure yours will, too.” He could practically read her mind.

Of course he was right. Teddy stared at it in the bright December sun. It was a gorgeous stone. And she liked the way it looked on her hand. It made her fingers appear long and elegant. She was going to be sorry to give it back.

“Why did you ask the jeweler if it could be returned?” Adam asked when they were on the street.

“You don’t think I would keep it,” she said, amazed that he thought she would. “Although it does look great on my hand.” She stretched her fingers open. She’d done it at least fifty times since Adam lifted it and placed it on her finger. It wasn’t like the one she’d worn for the fashion show. This was a real diamond. It had significance. It represented two people who wanted to live their lives together.

“Feeling like a bride?” Adam asked.