Teddy raised her hand. Both she and Adam stared at the large stone. Neither of them corrected Veronica. She wanted to know what Adam was thinking, what he was feeling. Teddy was the one supposedly engaged to Adam, yet her heart felt as if there was a tear in it. When their camouflage ended, who would Adam seek out? Was he ready to take the risk again? Had Teddy made him see that he could love again?
“Have you set a date yet?” Veronica asked.
“Not yet,” Adam said.
“Well, congratulations again.” Veronica looked at Teddy as if she’d lost a prize. But Teddy knew she was the one who’d lost.
Chapter 9
Teddy flopped on the sofa, tired from the exertion of helping Adam carry a gargantuan pine tree from the garage to his condo.
“Why did you have to park so far from the door?” she asked, out of breath.
“You’re not that much out of shape.” He turned from leaning the tree against the wall next to the fireplace and looked at her. “You’re not out of shape at all.”
“Well, I’m used to running and lifting weights, not carrying awkwardly shaped objects that stab my hands and face with needles.”
“Remember, this was your idea,” Adam reminded her. “And you only carried it from the car.”
“I might regret it before this is over.”
“I don’t think so,” he said.
Teddy heard the need in his voice. Earlier she’d commented on the lack of Christmas decorations in his condo. When she was young and all her siblings lived with their parents, they always put their tree up right after Thanksgiving. Teddy asked where he kept them, and she was surprised to learn he had none. It was her idea that they go shopping. Together they bought a tree, a world of colorful bulbs and lights, a garland for the fireplace, and an assortment of ornaments.
Adam put on some Christmas music and Teddy went to the kitchen. She poured two cups of apple cider and warmed them in the microwave. When she got back to the living room, Adam was lighting the fireplace. The condo had all the modern touches and supported a glass-enclosed built-in structure that burned gas and could be lit with a match. It sat high on the wall and produced no smoke and no fumes.
Adam accepted the cup and took a sip. He set it on an end table and attacked the many boxes and bags littering the floor. Finding the tree stand, he worked quickly to set it up. Teddy opened the bags and organized the contents into sections: lights, ornaments, angel for the top, timers, extension cords, tree skirt, garlands and more. Even with organization, the room was strewn with discarded store bags and boxes.
“I think we overbought,” Adam said.
Teddy shook her head. She watched as Adam worked. For a long moment she couldn’t take her eyes off him. He had his back to her and she was free to stare at him. His arms were strong under the sweater he wore. It filled out his form and Teddy was in no doubt of the muscles it concealed. She wanted them around her.
“There,” Adam said. He shook the tree to make sure it was sitting in the stand and held sturdy enough that it wouldn’t fall over. He turned to Teddy. “Your turn.”
“This is a group effort,” she told him. “We decorate together.” She handed him a box. “Lights first.”
As they moved back and forth and around the tree for the next hour, the decorations quickly disappeared from their boxes, turning the tree into a brightly lit work of art. A garland of pine branches was arranged around the fireplace. The holiday cards he’d stacked on a table were tucked in the garland they hung around the room’s entry. Adam moved his cup and interspersed the table with scented candles and several Santa Claus statues. Teddy lit the candles and the fragrance of Christmas cookies permeated the air.
“That’s it.” Adam stood back and checked their work. Dropping down on the sofa, he checked the boxes still unopened. “We did overbuy.”
“We’re not finished,” Teddy said. Taking his hand, she pulled him up. He came forward, his arms going around her waist as his body came in contact with hers. Teddy looked up as his head swooped down and he kissed her. Teddy wanted to stay in his embrace. She raised her arms and circled his neck. For a long moment the kiss went on. Her knees weakened and she forced herself to push back.