Page 49 of Someone Like You

As each of the models took her place in the finale line ending her presentation, thunderous applause erupted in the hall. The brides remained as they were, everyone smiling. Teddy knew they were relieved that the show was over, but also proud that it had gone over without too many glitches, all of which were backstage. The hired photographer and many of the guests took pictures.

Adam and his brother—she now recognized him as Quinn—came forward, each with a cell phone snapping photo after photo. Teddy wanted to leave, but she was trapped until the last camera flashed and the last question was answered. Adam didn’t ask any questions. He stood with his arms crossed and watched and waited.

Why wasn’t he at his station, talking to people about investing in their future? Why was he remaining in the background, like a suitor waiting for his bride? They both knew that despite his actions on Thanksgiving, the two were not engaged and not likely to be.

* * *

Traditionally, when the show ended, the models kept the finale gown on as they mingled with the crowds, allowing the crowd to see the designs and imagine how they would look in the dress. There was an information and order desk with forms, business cards and brochures about the wedding planning services. Brides could also make appointments for fittings or consultant services.

Normally Teddy and Diana would remain at the desk after the show while the consultants packed everything up. Today, both worked the room, leaving the job to two other consultants who’d volunteered for the duty.

As the models left the stage, Adam came forward and took Teddy’s hand. His brother was behind him.

“You look beautiful,” Adam whispered. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the cheek. Teddy was nervous. Why, she didn’t know. When he pushed back, his hand went down her arm and lifted her hand. The faux diamond ring gleamed there. His eyes came to hers and she saw the question in them.

“We all wear rings,” she explained. “After all, the bride is engaged.” Teddy regretted the words as soon as they fell.

Quinn excused himself to look at the trade show. “He’s really going to look at the models,” Adam said when he was gone. “Are they all engaged?”

“A couple. The others are mainly models we hired for the day.”

“Why are you modeling?”

“One of the models is ill. We’re the same size. I stood in because she had some of the newest gowns and without them there would have been a large hole in the presentation.” She paused for a moment. “And Diana talked me into it.”

He nodded and dropped her hand.

Teddy felt a coldness settle in when he was no longer connected to her. “Shouldn’t you be at your booth, talking to prospective clients?”

“We don’t have a booth here. But if I’d known there would be this many people interested in investments, I’d have passed the idea on to Marketing.”

Her brows rose. “If you’re not here on business, why are you here?”

“We haven’t talked since Thanksgiving,” he said. “And that day didn’t turn out the way we expected. I wanted to make sure you were all right.”

“So you came here.” Teddy spread her hands.

“So I came here,” he said. “To this female dominated den where people are talking about crystal, lace and honeymoon destinations.”

The crowd around them pressed closer, forcing them to step closer to each other. Teddy could smell Adam’s cologne. The heady scent reminded her of when their bodies were separated by nothing but sexual desire.

Her heartbeat increased. She was jostled from behind, pushing her into Adam’s arms. Even without the push she was already about to hug him.

“I know we’re not really engaged,” she whispered. “But you coming here, to a place you said you don’t want to be, is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.”

Adam pushed her back and Teddy knew she was about to be kissed, but he was stopped by a voice behind them.

“You two make a lovely couple. I can only imagine what your real wedding will be like.”

Adam kept his arm around her waist as they turned to see Veronica.

“Congratulations.” She glanced at Teddy’s hand. “Beautiful ring.”