Page 43 of Someone Like You

Together they fell from the sofa to the soft carpet. Adam pushed the coffee table aside and quickly they removed the last of their clothing. Like the opposite poles of a magnet, they snapped-moved together, returning to the positions they had before. Adam pulled a condom from his pants pocket and quickly covered himself. Then he reached for her. His massive body covered her as his erection penetrated her.

“Sweet,” Teddy moaned, holding the word for an interminable amount of time. It was the sweetest feeling, the entry point. The center of her being and Adam had found it. He pushed into her until there was no more of him to give. Then he started the race. It was slow and easy, belying the pulsating rapture that it created. Blood raced through her at a pace equal to the sensations rioting within her.

Linking her fingers to his, Adam stretched them over her head. He dragged her upward, pulling her with him as they reached the limit of their horizontal height. He thrust into her, hard and fast. Like a drum, the rhythmic sound of percussion set them off. Teddy heard it in her head. Connecting with the beat, she worked with it, allowed it to lead her, fill her. She worked with the sound, keeping time with it. As the sound roared and the tempo increased, she exerted a greater effort. It was faster and faster, as if some insane drummer was setting the pace. Inside her the world was erupting. Bright rivers of passion pushed her on, egged her forward and upward, taking her to heights previously unreachable.

Hunger led her, forced her to go one more round, then another until she was unable to stop the shattering rhythm they’d set. Teddy thrashed and writhed under Adam, her body working at a demonic pace. Sounds ripped from her as she grunted with each fierce shock wave that seduced her body. The beast was within her, taking over. It was huge, hungry, with an undeniable need. It wanted more. It wanted it all. She wanted it all.

The explosion came. Her voice joined Adam’s in an all-consuming cry of release. They collapsed on each other. The sound of ragged breath filled the room. Neither tried to be quiet. They needed air and each dragged it into their lungs as if they’d been on a planet without oxygen and had quickly returned to the earth.

Adam still lay on Teddy. Both were soaking wet. Both were still trying to get their breath to return to normal. Teddy felt the coolness of the room’s air. The fiery equator of heat was subsiding. Adam shifted off her, a low groan escaping him.

“Each time,” he began, needing to take a breath between each syllable, “each time we’re together, I don’t think it can get any better. And then it does.”

Chapter 8

Adam now had clothes at Teddy’s house. She couldn’t leave his house wearing the dress she’d had on for Thanksgiving. She wore a pair of his shorts and a T-shirt with Invest Now written across the front. Teddy didn’t know what time her family got in, but when she quietly opened the door just after sunrise, the house was still quiet.

She went to her room and quickly changed into jeans and a sweater. After her morning ritual of brushing her teeth and cleaning her face, she made sense of her hair and went to the kitchen to begin breakfast. No one showed up for another hour. Teddy was on her second cup of coffee by then and knew today would be at least a three—if not four—cup day.

“You’re up early,” her father said, coming into the kitchen.”

“Breakfast?” she asked.

“That bacon sure smells good,” he said.

“You can have one slice,” Teddy told him. “Mom said so.”

“I guess she’s been giving orders already.”

“You know Mom,” Teddy teased.

Teddy made breakfast and one by one her family showed up.

“Did you enjoy the party yesterday?” her father asked. He was right in the middle of things, but pretended like the party was news to him.

“I had a wonderful time,” Sienna said.

“Planning to see Galen again?” Teddy asked. She was teasing her sister, hoping they wouldn’t get into any discussion about Adam and her. And the wicked engagement blunder that had set off a hailstorm of fear within her.

“Not sure,” Sienna said. “But I’m sure Mother will let you know.”

Conversation at the table reviewed the uneventful events of Thanksgiving. But then Gemma Granville came to the table and the dynamics changed.