Page 32 of Someone Like You

Both Teddy and Diana were early risers. This was something that made them compatible. They had time to spend a few minutes being friends and then get a jump on the day. The calm before the storm, before the other associates came in and before the phones started to ring.

“You’re here early,” Diana said. “You’re always early, but today you’re really early.”

“After spending two days with my parents and the weekend, I have a thousand things to do. Why are you here at—” she looked at her watch “—six o’clock?”

“Scott had an early flight. I dropped him at the airfield.”

Scott usually drove himself to the airport, but he and Diana were still technically newlyweds. She made no excuses about wanting to be with him as much as possible. And Scott had told her he loved finding her at the airport waiting for him when he returned from his flights.

Diana took a seat and handed Teddy the cup of coffee she often brought in with her. “When I spoke with Renee on Friday, she seemed to have everything under control.”

“She did. I told you she’s ready to go out on her own. I’m going to hate losing her as an assistant.”

“I’m sure you two will work something out.” Diana leaned forward, putting her arm on the edge of the desk. “Tell me about your weekend. Did you have a good time?”

Teddy leaned back. “Picture this—two mothers, both wanting their children to find someone and get married. Send them all out to dinner and miraculously discover they are all at the same restaurant and in the same room.”

Diana was holding her mouth closed. “You met Adam’s parents.”

“And his two brothers and their dates.”

Diana was laughing. “What an ambush.”

“That’s exactly the word Adam used.”

Teddy explained that her mother led her to believe they were going to dinner as guests of the university, but it was really to join the Sullivans for their anniversary, and for them to push Adam and her toward each other.

“Stop laughing,” Teddy said, trying to keep from joining her. “It’s not funny.”

“It’s hilarious, and to think they aren’t even trying to hide their strategy.” She took a drink of her coffee. “How’s Adam taking it?”

The mention of his name had Teddy’s body reacting as if she could touch him from this distance. She hoped Diana didn’t notice the change.

“He’s better than I expected he’d be. This was his idea, but I thought he hadn’t thought it through. Yet, he falls into the act as if it was natural.”

Teddy looked up and saw Diana staring at her. “Are you falling for him?” The scrutiny in her eyes was serious.

“Of course not.” She wanted to stop there but knew she needed to reinforce her statement. “He is easy to look at.”

“And he’s got a great body.”

Teddy nearly choked.

“And he loves to touch you,” Diana went on.


“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”

“He’s only doing that for show,” Teddy explained.

“Yeah,” Diana said. “It isn’t only that he touches you, but the way he touches you.”

“The way?” Teddy frowned.

Teddy knew exactly what Diana meant. She loved being touched by Adam. Whenever he put his hands on her, she felt his tenderness. She wanted to turn into his arms and settle there forever.

“Teddy, you’re blushing.”

Teddy snapped out of the reverie she was falling into. “I am not.”

Diana didn’t respond. At least, not in words. She gazed at Teddy for a long time.

“All right, I’m attracted to him. And yes, I’ve noticed that he touches me a lot.”

“And you like it.” It was a statement.

“I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t feel anything more than a warm hand, but for some reason my entire body almost glows.”

“I am so glad to hear this.”

“Why?” Teddy asked.

“Because you deserve to be happy.”

“You’re only saying that because you found Scott and you think everyone should feel like you do.”

“You’re right,” Diana said. “What I feel for Scott is amazing. And I never thought he’d be the man for me, but since that time long ago, you’ve sort of given up on ever finding someone. But with Adam—”