When Bronte leaves the room to collect her things, Paw brings up Ghost.

“The body they found outside of Harristown—”

“Let me guess, it wasn’t Ghost.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“So, it was just another attempt by Ghost to stop us.”

“Appears so.”

“He’s getting desperate,” Wyatt says.

“What do you think he’ll do when he finds out about TomTom?” Ares asks.

“I think he’ll make his move, but he knows he’s outnumbered.” It’s another good reason to keep Bronte close, I don’t want her getting caught in any crossfire.

“I think you’re right. He’s about out of options.”

While Bronte excuses herself to use the bathroom, Wyatt, Shooter, Paw, and Ares leave to ride back to the clubhouse ahead of us. We won’t be far behind. Bronte will drive her car, and I will follow her on the Harley.

When Bronte appears, I am taken back by how pale she looks.

“You ready?” I ask.

She nods. She’s lost in her own thoughts right now. I watch her gnawing on her bottom lip, so I stop her as she tries to walk past me. “Hey, we’ll work it out.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so fucking frustrated. He keeps turning my life upside down. And now he’s turning yours inside out.”

I cup her face. “I get it. But until then, you’re not leaving my sight. You got it, wildflower.” I kiss her tenderly before opening the front door for her.

“Fine.” She narrows her eyes. “But only if you drop this ridiculous idea about fucking me in your bedroom at the clubhouse.”

I can’t help but smile. “I believe I gave up on that last night… if memory serves. Or have you forgotten?”

Mischief tugs at the corner of her mouth. “Perhaps I need reminding.”

“You telling me it was a forgettable performance?”

“If it earns me a reminder, then yes.” She challenges me with a lift of her eyebrow. “I’ve completely forgotten all about it.”

I lean in, my breath tangling in her hair as I say, “Just for that, when we get back to the clubhouse, I’m going to fuck you so hard in my fuck room you won’t be able to remember your own name when I’m done.”

She smiles, but it’s wicked. “You say that like a threat, but I’ll take it as a promise. And it’s a promise I’ll make sure you keep.”


The days pass quickly. I spend most of them helping Dolly in the bar and Luther in the kitchen. Jack says it’s not necessary, but sitting around doing nothing will send me crazier than a cut snake in the grass, so I pitch in where I can.

Besides, I’ve tended bar in some pretty questionable places, so this bunch of bikers is easy. They’re like my brothers, and their acceptance of me being with Jack is obvious in the way they treat me as one of their own.

Even Shooter has warmed to me. With every conversation we share, I see more of his wariness disappear from his eyes. He’s protective of Jack. Thinks he’s seen enough heartbreak in his life. I can’t help but like him.

To be honest, when Jack told me we were staying at the clubhouse until they catch The Poet, I thought it would be stifling being stuck inside. But it isn’t nearly as bad as I thought because there’s no shortage of interesting things happening around the clubhouse.

Like when I walked in on Ghoul and Merrick with two club girls doing some kind of weird naked conga line—although I could have lived a billion years without seeing that kind of perversion—or the time I accidentally caught Caligula getting a blow job off the beer delivery guy.

Or when Munster’s wife caught him ogling one of the club girls a little too closely and tipped a pitcher of beer over his head before kneeing him in the balls.

And let’s not forget Merrick losing a bet with Shooter and having to walk naked through the clubhouse on ladies’ night—a once-a-month event when the club’s old ladies and girlfriends get to let their hair down at the clubhouse. Not that it was embarrassing for Merrick because he didn’t even try to cover himself when he walked through the clubhouse. He just let that thing sway between his legs as he walked proudly through the crowd of old ladies and club girls.

And let’s just say we could all see why.

The dude was hung.

Like hung.

During my exile, I also get closer to Brandi and Candi. They are sweet and fun to talk to, and whenever they come in to hang out with the guys, they spend time at the bar with me too.

It doesn’t take long for me to fall into an easy routine.

During the day, Dolly keeps me busy in the bar. Then at night, Jack and I disappear into his room, where he sends me to seventh heaven with his big body, his talented tongue, and his magnificent cock.