He grins. “I’m handsome, too.” He gives me a wink. “Come on, Mom, we’ve got a party to get to.”

The clubhouse is a hive of activity when we arrive. Inside, preparations are underway for Jack’s birthday. Dolly and Shooter are behind the bar making sure everything is stocked up and ready, while some of the old ladies are hanging decorations despite Jack insisting he doesn’t want a fuss.

Overseeing all of it, is Faith. She wants this birthday party to go off without a hitch, and she will move heaven and hell to make sure it does.

“Reporting for duty,” I say when I see her directing Munster and Ghoul as they hang up a banner screaming, Happy Birthday, Prez.

Jack’s going to hate it.

And Faith knows it.

Which is probably why she’s doing it.

“Great, you’re on blow job duty,” she says.

“Excuse me?”

She points to a box of balloons.

“You know they have gas cylinders that can do this,” I say.

“Right, and there are heaps of those available in Flintlock,” she replies with an arched brow. “Besides, this is a motorcycle clubhouse full of woman who knows how to blow—”

“Be nice!” I hold up my hand.

She grins at me mischievously. “What? I was going to say blow-up balloons. Geez, baby doll, you need to get your mind out of the gutter.”

“Says the woman who throws the word cunt around like its confetti.” I stick out my hand. “Give me the damn balloons.”

She hands me the box. “When those Fenway cousins arrive, I’ll get them to help you. Their reputation for blowing cock has got to come in handy for something.”

“And there it is.”

She winks. “Would hate to disappoint you, baby doll.”

When she walks away, I call after her, “Have you seen, Jack?”

She shrugs. “No, but his ass better be here soon because I don’t want him being late for his own goddamn party!”

Brandi and Candi Fenway arrive not long after, and true to her word, Faith sends them my way.

Both of them look like they’ve stepped out of a Playboy shoot.

Tiny skirts.

Tight shirts.

Amazing boobs.

One is blonde, the other a redhead.

“So, tell us the goss, are you and Jack an item?” Brandi, the redhead asks, popping a white balloon between her glossy lips and blowing.

“Yes, is it true?” Candi, the blonde asks, doing the same with a black balloon.

I feel ambushed. “Is what true?”

“That you’re Jack’s latest girl,” Brandi says.

I almost inhale the white balloon paused at my lips. “Excuse me?”

“It’s what all the club girls are talking about… you and Jack being an item.”

“You know, he’s never had a girlfriend, so we just want to know so we don’t overstep any lines,” Candi adds.

Their concern for stepping on someone’s toes is genuine.

I can’t help but like them.

They’re sweet.

“What makes you think there’s something between us?” I ask out of curiosity.

Candi shrugs. “I dunno… I guess it’s a vibe.”

I stick the balloon back between my teeth. There’s that damn vibe again.

“I’ve never seen him with any of the club girls. And Lord knows, we’ve tried,” says Brandi. “But there’s something about the way he looks at you.”

A surge of warmth rushes in, and then I think about this afternoon in the bathroom, and that warmth erupts into a damn wild fire.

“I’ve known Jack my whole life, he’s helping me out with something. If you’re interested in him—”

“Honey, all the girls are interested in him. He’s the president,” Brandi says as she leans forward.

“And that body!” Candi fans herself with her hand.

“But I have a feeling he’s not interested in any of us club girls,” Brandi adds with a sparkle of knowing in her eye. “If you’re interested in him, then you need to do something about it, honey.” She gives me a questioning look. “Are you interested in him?”

“Like you said, all the girls are interested,” I say, giving her a self-deprecating smile.

She nods. “Then you need to straighten your back, stick out your tits, and go get that man.”

I’m still with Brandi and Candi when an instantly recognizable car pulls into the parking lot.

It’s a hot pink smart car with a glittering daisy hanging from the rearview mirror.

I stand, and a big grin hits my face when I see Sebastian and Riley climb out.

I can’t believe it.

My two best friends are here.

Excited, I run out of the clubhouse to greet them.

“What are you guys doing here?” I laugh, hugging each of them. “And how the hell did you know where to find me?”

“Your neighbor, Mrs. Fritz, said if you weren’t home, then you’d be at this address,” Sebastian explains, looking around at the parking lot. His gaze stops at the row of Harley Davidsons parked at the front steps. “What the hell is this place?”

I slide my hands into the back pocket of my jeans as I look at my two friends. “I suppose I have some explaining to do.”