I sit as TJ pours us two shots.

We clink shot glasses before downing the hot alcohol.

Faith’s natural state of being is to be a bitch. She is wildly beautiful but lethally unapproachable, and when it comes to other women, Faith doesn’t play nice. In fact, I’m probably her only female friend. There’s a story there, something etched into her past with the cold blade of heartbreak and grief. But no matter how close we’ve gotten over the years, she’s never told me.

People are afraid of her and rightly so.

“So, what the hell has brought you back to Flintlock?” she asks, stubbing out her cigarette in a glass ashtray on the bar and immediately lighting another one.

“Figured I was overdue for a visit.”

“I have to agree with you there.” Her dark eyes study my face. She doesn’t believe me, but she doesn’t say so. She doesn’t need to. When she’s ready, she knows she’ll get it out of me. “You staying at your grandmama’s?”

“Only for a couple of days.”

“Good, you should hang around.”

“What about you? Why are you in here at noon on a Monday, shooting tequila shots and scaring men on the phone?”

“Just got back from seeing a potential investment over in Johnson City. A complete waste of my time.” From memory, Faith handles a lot of the club’s investments like real estate. She’s shrewd and business savvy. “I had some phone calls to make, so I had the thought to come in here for a liquid lunch. Why is my brother teaching you self-defense?”

“He’s got it in his mind that I should know how to protect myself.”

Her eyes narrow slightly as she studies my face. She knows it isn’t the whole story.

“Well, he’s right. Every woman should.” She leans closer as if she’s going to share a secret with me. “Let me know when you’re free, and I can show you a few that he’s never seen.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt that.” I grin. “Speaking of which, eaten any club girls for breakfast lately?”

“That sounds very girl on girl and kind of sexy.”

“You know what I mean. The last time I was here you gave one of the club girls a black eye.”

She shrugs. “She fucked my boyfriend.”

“He was a guy you had a one-night stand with.”

“It could’ve been more if he didn’t go and stick his dick in that rancid pussy.”

“I think you got more satisfaction out of punching her in the face than you did from your one-night stand.”

“You make me sound mean.”

“You are mean.”

She grins. “See. This is why you and I are such good friends. Anyway, I never strike first. I just make sure I strike last.” She takes a drag on her cigarette. “Don’t poke the cobra if you don’t wanna get bit.”

“That’s good. You should put that on a bumper sticker.”

“It’s common sense. They should teach it in school.”

She slides off her stool when Jack appears. Church is out, and the bikers begin to spill into the bar.

“You’re not corrupting her, are you?” Jack says to his sister.

Faith rolls her eyes at him and then mashes a kiss into the side of his head. “Yee of little faith. Of course not, baby brother. But you can’t keep her all to yourself, I want some time with my girl.” She looks at me. “Are you free to help get this place dolled up for the party later tonight?”

“Party?” I ask, confused.

“Yeah, Jack’s…” She rolls her eyes dramatically. “Oh my God, little brother, you didn’t tell her about the party? I bet you didn’t tell her it’s your birthday today either.”

“It is?” I turn to Jack. “You didn’t say anything.”

“Happy birthday to me,” he says with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

Before he can stop me, I throw my arms around him and kiss his rough cheek. And for a split second, he accepts it, and I feel his big arms come around me before he gently pushes me away.

“Happy birthday,” I say.

Jack looks uncomfortable. “Thanks.”

“So, can you help?” Faith asks.

“Sure, sign me up.”

“Great, I’ll see you back here around five?”

Jack gives her a sharp nod. “I’ll make sure she gets here safely.”

She stubs out her cigarette and picks up her handbag. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to pay someone a visit.”

I think about the phone call I overheard. “Shall I phone ahead and warn him to put on a jock strap?”

“This isn’t the first time he and I have done business. If he doesn’t know by now that he should already be wearing one, then he deserves what’s coming.” She blows me a kiss. “Good to see you, baby doll. Catch you later.”

Jack and I watch her walk away.

“She’s still terrifying,” I say.

“It’s a skill she’s been honing since she took her first breath.”

I look at him. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me it’s your birthday.”