Page 72 of Indulge Me Tonight

Grae reached behind his neck, gripping the neckline of the T-shirt and dragging it over his head to reveal the awesome plane of torso beneath.

Her smile reflected appreciation when he sent his sweats to the floor, revealing the fact that he wore nothing more.

“Impressive.” She sighed.

A lazy shrug accompanied his lopsided grin. “I try.” He took time to apply protection and then crawled his way up her body until he joined her on the bed.

Still bracing her weight on her elbows, Tielle watched him come close. Her lashes batted, promising to close when she felt his skin bare next to hers. She whimpered out her delight over the sensation of their bodies caressing.

Grae mastered her mouth with another probing kiss, simultaneously using his sex to invade hers.

“Look at me,” he told her.

She obliged with no small amount of difficulty. All she wanted was to close her eyes, to intensify her focus on the way he stretched her so magnificently.

“Why’d you make me wait for this?” she purred. Again, her eyes narrowed, and he “punished” her disobedience with a thrust that sent him impossibly deeper.

“Terrace would’ve been fine.”

“I’ve already had you there.”

Her walls clenched about his driving erection, and she settled to her back. “Lots of rooms in this house. You haven’t had me in all of them.”

“That’s about to change.” He kissed her as if to seal the promise.

Tielle would’ve wrapped her legs about his back then, but Grae kept her thighs spread so she could welcome every inch of his penetration.

Ragged curses slipped past his lips ever so often when that penetration promised his climax sooner than he wanted it. He could’ve taken her all night, listening to her heightened cries, watching her lovely face expressing pleasure when he made her orgasm… She felt amazing, had always felt amazing the way she sheathed him. How he had survived their separation, he would never know. He only knew that he wanted an end to it.

Tielle rested her arms above her head, bringing her already pert breasts to a higher level. Grae couldn’t help himself. The double treat of being buried inside her while keeping her taut nipple captive inside his mouth brought him to abundant release some minutes later. The persistent throb of his need filling the condom coaxed Tielle into her second orgasm.

She chanted Grae’s name as though she was thanking him. He collapsed atop her, unmindful of whether he crushed her.

Tielle didn’t mind at all.

Chapter 16

As she had for the past several mornings, Tielle woke content and decadently toasty thanks to the unyielding slab of muscle at her back. Smiling, she burrowed deeper, wanting more of the heat she was being treated to.

The move caused her bottom to nudge the stiff ridge of flesh below Grae’s waist. “Oops.” Her murmur mixed with laughter, and she heard Grae’s voice rumble seconds later.

“I hope I get more than an ‘oops.’”

“Well, what more do you want?” She faked innocence and got her answer when his finger enacted a sensuous dalliance with her clit. Moving lower, he massaged the dark petals of flesh guarding her sex. Tielle turned her face into the pillows, softly moaning Grae’s name while opening herself to his touch.

Curious fingers explored her moistened core, and Tielle added a subtle yet indulgent arch to her back. She flexed her inner muscles to engulf more of the finger he stirred inside her.

The bedside phone rang.

“Thought we said no phones?” he grunted while feathering kisses across her shoulder blades and nudging coarse tresses to bare more space for his lips to explore.

Tielle could barely form words due to a persistent need to gasp. She was savoring the satisfaction of two fingers then. “It’s not my cell,” she moaned and glared over at the ringing phone.

“Where’s the phone cord?”


“Because I’m gonna rip it out of the damn wall.”

“No need for violence.” Knowing the threat was serious, Tielle moved to answer. She almost wished she hadn’t after greeting Leonard Cartright on the line.

Grae eyed the phone as if it were plague-ridden when Tielle said Leo wanted him. “This is your fault,” he grunted.