Page 70 of Indulge Me Tonight

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Nightfall found the couple on one of the enclosed terraces enjoying drinks after a satisfying dinner courtesy of the Japanese steakhouse not far from the estate. The place wasn’t exactly a takeout establishment, but the owners had no problem delivering a meal to the address that supplied some of their highest-tipping patrons.

Grae set his glass emptied of bourbon on the round wrought-iron table between the cushioned chaises he and Tielle occupied. “What you said about regrets, whether I had any?”

“Yeah?” She sipped from her half-full goblet of white wine.

“The way I let you go,” he said after a lengthy silence. “The way I demanded you go unless you did what I wanted.”

“At least you gave me a chance.”

“I’m serious, Tel.”

Her goblet joined his empty glass on the table, and she turned to face him.

“That ultimatum was bad enough, but the way we—Faro and me—tugged at you back and forth like you were a toy and we wanted you to decide who you wanted to play with… You were my wife. I should’ve treated you better than that.”

“You know, instead of working so hard to reconcile you and Faro, I should’ve been trying to find out why you were so resistant to the idea despite those glimmers of hope I thought I saw in your eyes.” She shrugged. “I just assumed it was some petty childhood issue between brothers. Nothing like this.”

“Yeah…I thought it was some petty childhood issue, too.”

“What are you gonna do now?” she asked.

“It’s already done.” Grae crossed his ankles. “When Leo found me the other night, I gave him my resignation.”

Tielle gasped. “You can’t.”

“I did.”

“But you—” She could barely catch the words that raced through her mind. “Who’s gonna run Clegg?” She shook her head at Grae’s knowing look.

“Leo can handle it over there until things settle down, but my time is done.”

Tielle scooted closer to him. “Because of you, your dad’s company has the kind of success he worked so hard to bring it into. Your family knows no one can top what you’ve done there. Not Leo and definitely not Faro.”

“They lied to me, Tel. Every day, they smiled in my face, patted my back for a job well done… They played me for a fool.”

“You don’t believe that.”

“I do.”

“What about before you ever went to work for Clegg?”

Grae’s upper lip curled into a snarl. “That was for my dad’s sake. Couldn’t upset the guy with all the money, could they?”

“You’re angry.” She rested her elbow on the cushioned arm of the lounge. “You have every right to be, but when you’re done with that emotion, you’ll put your energy on the one that’s always been there—the love they have for you and yours for them.” Encouragingly, she eased her hand across one of the broad forearms bared by the sleeves of the worn T-shirt carrying the emblem of his favorite pro basketball team.

Grae caught her wrist before Tielle could react. “I’d rather put my energy on you—the love that satisfies me.”

Her smile was sad. “I haven’t been so satisfying over the last year.”

“You’ve been making up for it.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Oh, you’ve still got a lot of making up to do.” His hand firmed at her wrist.


“Hmm.” Seamlessly, he tugged her from the lounge until she was straddling his lap.

“I thought you wanted to talk?” Her question carried on an unsteady breath.

Grae’s focus was on loosening the stringed bodice of the teal lounge dress Tielle had worn that night.

“I’m sure there will be talking involved.” He began a slow, circular caress of a firming nipple while steadily unraveling the stark-white tassels securing the front of her dress. The strings offered teasing glimpses of plump cleavage.

Tielle bit her lip at the warm, heady sensation she felt from someplace deep.

“Don’t bottle it up, Tel. I’m the only person who can hear you.”

She responded with a steady laugh. “I knew I should’ve been more careful about who I let in my house.”