Page 64 of Indulge Me Tonight

“It’s not about money for Faro.” Leo sighed. “He won’t be happy till he’s got Grae out of the company.”

“He might achieve his goal.” Simon took the paper. “No one’s seen Grae since the trip.”

“Why’s this such a mission for Faro?” Wesley asked. “It’s been years. Isn’t there a statute of limitations on sibling rivalry?” He grinned at his brother Gerald.

Leo laughed. “Never, and Faro won’t ever forgive Grae for having Ken’s love.”

“But that’s not G’s fault!” Simon ranted.

“True.” Leo shrugged beneath his olive-brown suit coat. “But Grae’s the only one left to pay for that, isn’t he?”

“Well, Faro’s mistaken if he thinks this stunt will get him back in the business and at the head of the table, besides!” Gerald swore.

“Remember, guys—” Wesley’s voice softened “—Faro’s had decades to stew in the unloved-child soup. Do we just put up with his antics till he brings the family all the way down?”

Again, Leo put his head in his hands. From that position he asked the most pressing question. “So who’s gonna talk to Grae about this morning’s paper?”

* * *

Finding Asia waiting to see her sent Tielle’s teeth gritting the moment their gazes locked across the room. Starting her day with a high dose of bad blood wasn’t what Tielle had expected when she arrived at her office that morning.

Tielle decided the moment had long passed for pleasantries. “I don’t have the time, Asia. Actually, there never is time for dealing with your bull.”

Asia didn’t appear stunned or offended by the insult. “I deserve that and more besides for the things I’ve said and insinuated to your face and…behind your back.”

“Gee, thanks.” Tielle rolled her eyes and settled behind her desk to boot her computer.

Asia was quiet, fidgeting with the cuffs of her sweater and smoothing her hands over the arms of the chair she occupied.

“I’d offer you something,” Tielle said as she got up to prepare her morning tea, “but I’m sure you have to get back on the road ASAP.”

“This is about Grae.”

“’Course it is.”

“We haven’t seen him in two weeks.”

Tielle came down off some of her resistance. She returned the teapot to the beverage cart without pouring any for herself. “Is he in Portland?” Concern turned her voice faint.

“We don’t even know that for sure,” Asia said.

“After what happened, the guys who took Grae back to his room. What’d he say to them?”

“Not much, um… He ordered them to let him go and…handle Faro.”

Tielle closed her eyes, understanding the word as “Grae-speak” for “do bodily harm.”

“Nobody knew he’d even left that night.” Asia’s voice was thicker given the sob trying to claim it. “He convinced everybody he was all right and then…”

“Are you guys sure he didn’t go to handle Faro, after all?”

“Doubtful.” Asia snorted. “Especially since Faro felt well enough to share his story with the press.”

“Faro,” Tielle groaned while bowing her head.

“This is a nightmare,” Asia sniffed.

“Did you know? About Grae not being one of you?”

“I’d heard things.” Asia shook her head. “Too young to understand them and then after a while I just didn’t want to know. It doesn’t matter.” She sniffed again and lifted her head to pin Tielle with a steady look. “Grae is part of this family, and being at the head of Clegg Marketing is where he belongs.”

“Is that why you’re here?” Tielle folded her arms over the ribbed bodice of her multicolored sweater dress. “Because Grae’s so good in business? Making you all lots of money? He keeps you living very well, doesn’t he?”

Asia’s temper showed signs of life. “We have loved Grae since before he could write his name or talk. We just want him in our lives.”

“And everything back like it was.”