Page 53 of Indulge Me Tonight

Her responding cries were throaty, echoing when he touched her again. Tielle felt his breath feather over her skin when he shushed her. The action only succeeded in riddling her with a wave of shudders, and her exposed sex puckered more persistently for the kiss it anticipated.

Grae’s first intention was to torture Tielle with the faint brushes his mouth cascaded across the bare patch of skin above her femininity. Next, his nose trailed a naughty outline around her clit, the tip nudging insistently about the stimulated bundle of nerves when she arched into his touch.

She tried to open herself more to him—difficult with the undergarments still holding her thighs captive in addition to his hands secured about her fleshy limbs. Were it not for his overtly possessive hold, Tielle would’ve jackknifed right off the table. Grae replaced his nose with the tip of his talented tongue and retraced a sensual circle about the part of her anatomy he tended to.

Tielle writhed about in frustration, wanting very much to be free of her panties—the only scrap of clothing still adorning her body. The silky whiskers of a close-cut beard consistently raked the powder-soft flesh of her inner thighs. The sensation it roused encouraged Tielle’s hands to begin a seductive trek toward her upper body.

She smoothed her palms up her torso and about the twin circumferences of her breasts, along the elegant line of her neck, and then she burrowed them in her thick, captivating mane. All the while she arched, squirmed and trembled beneath Grae’s attention.

For a moment, he left her bereft of his touch. Then, caging her body under his, he pleasured her with his thumb rotating against the bundle of sensitivity above her intimate folds. Satisfaction offered a different kind of heat as he delighted in watching her caress the dark cocoa expanse of her curvy body. A smile narrowed his gaze when he saw her mouth form an O.

She’d be flooding his hand with her moisture soon, he predicted.

He slowed the rotation against the tight bud of nerves set to usher in climax. Tielle caught his wrist, preventing any plans he had for escape. Grae lowered himself nearer to her, tormenting her with a slow, wet suck to her nipples.

“Trust me,” he urged, patting her hip.

She whimpered, the sound tapering into a startled grunt when she felt her panties being jerked free of her body. Graedon closed the delicate garment into a thick fist and pushed it into a back jean pocket. His mouth blazed a trail down her torso, teeth barely grazing her skin as he journeyed to the part of her he throbbed for.

Grae spread her to his satisfaction, but didn’t claim her right away. Instead, he glided his way around what she insistently arched toward him. Tielle bumped her fists against the velvety green surface of the pool table. She was close to out of her mind with want. Her toes flexed and then attempted to grasp at his denims where her feet bumped his powerful thighs. Blindly, she reached for him, hoping to press his head to her preferred spot.

Grae didn’t make her wait long, and they both filled the room with appreciative groans when his tongue filled her. Tielle bent into an elegant bow, taking more of his driving tongue.

Grae wanted to devour her, the moisture and fragrance of her core driving him insane with hunger and the need to dominate. Her hips bucked more the deeper he invaded, until he stilled her with one hand pressuring her stomach.

The soft gesture encouraged her to follow his direction. “Mmm-mmm.”

Impatient to bathe more of her core, his hands flexed on her thighs. He took her hips off the table, bringing her higher while allowing him to stand at almost his full height.

Tielle was happily at the mercy of the giant who held her, loved her and took her over a cliff of splendid desire. The feverish bucking of her hips resumed until he tightened his hold to command her to still.

He didn’t shush her when she screamed at the vivid sucking he gave her silken folds, though he did grin at the whimper she gave when he brought an end to the act. Before she could add words to show her disappointment, he took her with his tongue, vigorously plundering her at length.

In a show of stunning finesse, Grae supported her with one hand while the other freed his belt and jean fastening. The denim cascaded downward toward his stylishly rugged hiking boots while he kept Tielle positioned and doffed the dark corduroy shirt he wore.