Page 48 of Indulge Me Tonight

Tielle rolled her eyes, took Grae by the arm and led him off. “Everyone seems content,” she observed on their way past the dining room.

Grae wasn’t impressed. “They’re eating.”

Tielle had to laugh.

* * *

“Are you all right?” Grae asked the instant Tielle pushed her office door shut behind him.

Tielle frowned, bewildered by the question.

Mumbling a curse, Grae advanced and squeezed her arm.

Memory surfaced when discomfort barely throbbed. “I told you I was fine,” she said.

“You were lying then. I’d like the truth now.”

“Grae, what exactly do you want me to say?” She slapped her hands to her sides. “What? That in a show of brute force, you misused my body in pursuit of your own selfish pleasure?”

“Tel…” Grae breathed out her name while running the tip of his thumb across his brow.

“Please believe I’m fine.” She moved closer to smile up at him. “I’m better than fine. Better than I’ve been in a long time. You didn’t do anything I didn’t want or approve of.”

“Don’t lie to me.” The order was gruff.

She smiled pityingly. “I never have and I’m not about to start now. Good enough?”

“It’ll do.” He used the closeness she’d risked to his advantage and drew her high against him.

“This isn’t why I called you here.”

“I know.” He was already taking her into the office living area.

“Grae, come on, listen to me.” She slapped his shoulder. “I need to ask you something.”

“Mmm-hmm.” He doused her neck with the most luxurious glides from his mouth. All the while he unraveled the wrap tie of her shirt. “It’s okay, I have condoms.”

“Idiot.” She punched his shoulder that time. “This isn’t about that.”

Grae lifted his head. “It’s not?”

“Not exactly.”

“Right.” He went back to nibbling her ear.

The act sent Tielle falling under the spell of his touch. She summoned additional strength to her voice. “Be serious.”

Eventually, Grae obeyed her orders. His expression was unreadable as he studied her, waiting for her to say what she would.

“Come away with me.”

He blinked. Her words were clearly not what he expected. “Come away with you and do what?” he asked.

She bit her lip and glanced toward the sofa he held her over. “Whatever you want. Talk.”


Tielle sent a silent curse toward Des. Not that she minded going away with her ex, but there was a storm brewing. It was definitely not the time for her to be away.

She rolled her eyes back toward his very nice face. “Whatever you want, Grae,” she assured him and felt her heart leap when his extraordinary eyes narrowed and raked her body lying prone beneath his.

“Whatever I want. Anything.”

The question-non-question statements adequately dampened her panties. “Wouldn’t be much fun otherwise.” Her response was steady.

“Sounds damn good. When do we leave?” His voice was a rumble when he resumed his nibbling on her ear, freeing her from the shirt once he’d laid her down.

Tielle was fast approaching the point of speechlessness. Grae was manipulating a nipple between his thumb and forefinger while his free hand occupied space beneath the rising hem of her skirt. His fingers teased the lacy stitching of her lingerie.

“You’d really leave with all that’s going on?” His voice was maddeningly calm, as though he were doing nothing out of the ordinary.

“I think that’s why.” Her voice was a rush of breath. “This is more than I expected when I—I agreed to it.”

“Sorry I made you get involved.” He took in the emotions crossing her face as he touched her.

“I—” her lashes wouldn’t still “—I couldn’t say no.”

He brought his forehead to hers. “I don’t always leave you much room to do that, do I?”

“I can hold my own…mmm… Y-you shouldn’t think so highly of your abilities…”

His grin was devilment displayed. “My abilities are nothin’ to underestimate.” He returned to lay siege to her earlobe, assaulting it with his lips, teeth and tongue, and continued the affecting caresses along her panties’ stitching.