Page 35 of Indulge Me Tonight

“These young folk in the family are a mess,” Jill agreed with her brother.

“Amen.” Paul sighed.

Tielle bowed her head and battled the urge to up and leave the room. Resolute, she looked up to catch Desree’s gaze. The woman appears defeated, Tielle thought, watching as Des shook her head once in regret.

The living room swelled with the volume of voices chiming in on the subject then.

“Everyone—” Dr. DeLoache stood, waving her hands for calm, and was completely overlooked.

“Uncle Barry, you and Uncle Paul should shut up,” Asia spat. “All you focus on when you see Tielle are her tits and ass, so excuse me if your opinions mean squat.”

“Guys, please.”

Quiet settled, and it seemed that the therapist had finally gained control of her wayward group. In reality, the control had more to do with the fact that everyone had stopped arguing to catch their breaths.

“People, nothing will be settled until you all allow one another the time and courtesy to hear each other.”

“No, Doc,” Faro intervened. “Nothing will be settled until these people admit that all the mess—” he stressed the word while sending his aunt Jill a pointed look “—started with the older folks protecting a lot of dirty secrets that got all the mistrust started in the first place.”

“Not this again,” his cousin, Wendell Clegg, groaned. “Faro, what in the hell are you talkin’ about?”

“I’m willin’ to bet there are those who really don’t know, but there’re even more who do and they’ve kept it quiet for way too long,” Faro insisted.

“I need to talk to you, Faro,” Desree announced as she suddenly got to her feet.

Dr. DeLoache rushed forward. “Ms. Clegg—”



“Now, Faro!”

Jaws dropped as the usually poised and cool-natured Desree blustered past her family on her way out of the living room. Despite his earlier boldness, even Faro appeared rather unnerved by his aunt’s summons.

Tielle gave none of her former in-laws the benefit of her gaze. She was too busy studying Grae’s expression. He remained in his remote corner not looking at his family but hunched over in his chair. His elbows were braced on his knees while he used one hand to stroke his jaw. Tielle thought he reflected an element of true concentration…and suspicion. She could hear the murmur of voices easing in as the group tried to make sense of what had just happened. She took advantage of the confusion to make her escape.

It was as though he’d sensed her intentions before she had the chance to put them into action. Tielle saw Grae slide his extraordinary stare her way. He watched her with the same mix of concentration and suspicion. The look was enough to make Tielle shred the last of her procrastination and leave the room.

“Tielle, wait up!”

Valerie’s call sent a thread of resentment sliding along Tielle’s spine. Still, she lost some of her edginess when she turned to face the woman. Tielle could see that the normally unflustered doctor was then looking decidedly rattled around the edges.

“Need a drink, Val?” Tielle teased.

The woman tucked a lock of chestnut-brown hair behind her ear and risked a glance across her shoulder. Most of the group was still embroiled in heated debate.

“What is it with them?” she asked. “Everyone wants to be heard, no one wants to listen.”

Tielle studied her ex in-laws for a moment, as well. “You’ve just given a perfect definition of the Clegg family.”

“Any advice on how you managed to get a word in with them?”

“Well,” Tielle indulged in a playful smile, “talking with the Cleggs wasn’t really my top priority when I was married to Grae.”

Valerie’s expression took on the same playful tint then. The tall brunette cast a knowing and understatedly sultry smile toward Grae, who still occupied his seat across the room. “Understood.” She gave her boss a nod and then regarded the rest of the family. “You think they might be up for another session?”

Tielle gave a woeful grin. “My guess is that it won’t be today.”

Valerie nodded toward the room’s entrance. “Any thoughts on what the rest is about between the aunt and nephew?”