Page 34 of Indulge Me Tonight

“Right…memories.” Faro nodded and began a short stroll of the corridor. “Some are powerful—impossible—to file away once they’re in your head. You know what I like best about memories though, Des?” He looked her way then. “Sharing them. It’s something I have no qualms about doing.”

Desree merely turned her back on Faro and headed into the living room. Faro wasn’t far behind. Neither noticed Grae watching them from down the long hall.

Chapter 8

The Clegg family therapy session was already set to be a stress-filled affair without the pressure of a lover’s spat perched on top of the pile. Yet Tielle ordered herself to withstand the agitation as she rounded the corner and went down the corridor leading to the living room selected for the gathering.

She felt a few layers of her apprehension lift when she spotted Desree. Unfortunately, that brief relief dissolved when her assessing stare met Grae’s stony one. He sat in one of the wide maroon armchairs in the alcove. The choice of seating put a noticeable distance between him and the rest of his family. The others had selected seating on the sofas, love seats and other cushioned chairs that the staff had arranged more to the center of the room.

Figuring Grae’s request that she remain by his side during the retreat’s events was then null and void, Tielle opted for the settee near the room’s entrance.

“You’re welcome to move closer, Ti.” Dr. Valerie DeLoache’s voice held subtle amusement.

Tielle appeared to shudder over the suggestion. “Please don’t make me.” She lowered her head.

Dr. DeLoache twittered a laugh before patting her boss’s shoulder and moving on into the living area to greet the Clegg group.

* * *

“…I spent ten years on staff there, before leaving Chicago to join Ms. Turner’s organization. I’ve been the retreat’s lead therapist for the past five years,” Valerie DeLoache told the group as they settled in for the session.

“In addition to welcoming you all to our beautiful estate, I’d also like to commend your family for acting proactively to fix the issues causing whatever tensions exist among you—”

“Thank you, Dr. DeLoache,” Asia called out before the woman could continue, “but I think many of us here would agree that there’s nothing causing tension in our family…anymore.”

With that said, most heads in the room turned toward Tielle. She commanded her eyes to remain fixed on the colorful landscaped piece above the fireplace mantle.

“That’s a close-minded perspective, Asia,” Faro told his cousin before the doctor could respond. “Tielle only tried to get us to own up to issues we had long before she ever became one of us.”

“She was never one of us,” Asia retorted.

“Cut it out, girl,” admonished one of the uncles.

“She tried to help us,” Faro said. “That was until she had the will to do so stifled by bullying and ultimatums.”

“Mr. Clegg, I’m sure—”

The doctor’s words were then interrupted by Grae’s rumbling voice. “Something you need to say to me, Faro?”

“There’s a lot I need to say to you.” Faro refused to look at his brother.

Grae spread his hands. “Well? Let’s have it.”

“You see, Doctor?” Asia cried. “They never griped like this before she came along.”

“Asia, shut it!” Ranata ordered through clenched teeth.

Stunned by her usually calm-natured cousin, Asia piped up to rake the woman over the coals.

“Your instigating and snide remarks caused just as much trouble for Grae and Ti as Grae did with his bullying,” Asia said before her cousin could blast her. “All that foolishness from Grae is what lost him Tielle, leaving us to deal with the ogre he’s become.”

“Ladies.” Valerie remained professional, admirably calm despite the ripple of tension Asia’s remark sent through the room. “This is a wonderful start. You guys are venting and giving voice to your feelings, but we need to do it in a more constructive—”

“You two hush,” Barry ordered the bickering cousins. “Grae’s got every right to be pissed about what went on back then. His only fault was comin’ down so hard on Tielle when it was Faro who deserved to be kicked in the teeth.”