Page 31 of Indulge Me Tonight

“They love it. Grae, we really should get going to that therapy session.”

“What’s the rush?” His deep voice was a soothing wave. “It’ll take everybody thirty minutes to get there and another thirty to get settled.”

“Grae…” His name was little more than a breathy whisper. She attempted to turn in his loose hold at her waist, yet the move wasn’t an easy one considering the close quarters and who she was sharing them with.

What remained of her protest segued into a moan when she managed to turn and her tongue became otherwise engaged. Entangled, a ragged, wet kiss commenced between them. Grae quickly tired of aligning his imposing frame to accommodate her slight one. Rising to his full height, he took Tielle with him, keeping her body flush against the chiseled perfection of his.

She launched into resistance mode when her phone buzzed again. “Grae, we don’t have time for this.”

“We got plenty of time,” he argued upon taking a momentary break from stroking his tongue across the roof of her mouth. “My entire family is elsewhere.”

“And we should be there, too,” Tielle almost purred when he cradled her bottom in his palms while his mouth took a slow glide down her neck and collarbone.

She felt the new bed beneath her back moments later, and Grae settled against her soon after. Eyes closing as though she were delightfully drowsy, Tielle gave in to what she needed from him. Giving in to the pleasure of him there. Tielle worked herself against the erection she’d missed.

Grae set his face next to her clavicle and inhaled. The tender act was fleeting. He needed to see her—really see her. Deftly, he pulled her out of her clothes, his lips skimming every silken patch of skin he bared. He lingered near parts of her that he’d missed most dearly, grinning arrogantly when she squirmed against him.

“Grae, we should…go…mmm…you—you told me to tell you to stop…”

He tended to one perky nipple, sheltering the pebble inside skillful lips and bathing it with his tongue. His thumb and forefinger tended to the other. She smiled when she arched more of herself into his mouth.

“Honey, you’re not being very convincing,” he murmured.

Tielle bit down on her lip to silence a moan. “Listen to my words and not my body.” But her words were slurred.

“Are you serious?” He chuckled and continued his erotic journey downward.

* * *

Leo blew out a sigh through his end of the phone line. “You let that boy get inside your head, Des. You always do.”

“I see. And why, exactly, did you call me today?”

“What Grae said does make me wonder. I’ll admit that. The fact that Faro was so hell-bent on having that retreat in that particular venue… Did he say anything else when you saw him this morning?”

“Only what I told you.” Desree sighed. “I guess you’re right. Letting that child rattle me this way is asinine. He’s probably havin’ a helluva laugh over it.”

“But you don’t believe that?” Leo guessed.

“If it is…that, how would he know it? He was a boy.”

“A clever one, as we both know.”

“But if we never spoke on it—”

“There were times,” Leo interrupted, “I talked to Ken a lot. He could’ve overheard.”

“But why would he wait until now to make an issue of it? I could’ve understood him doing it six years ago instead of now.”

Leo sighed, not wanting further reference to six years ago. Ken Clegg had followed his wife, Grace, into the afterlife.

“Since you called,” Des said, “least you can do is give me the benefit of your wisdom. Any suggestions on how to handle this?”

Leo spared a few seconds to send a groan through the line. “The devil with it. Just ask him.”

* * *

The small pool cottage was quiet except for the sounds of Tielle’s hitched cries echoing throughout the three rooms. Her hands were curved into small fists that beat a steady tune against the flexing, ropey muscles of Grae’s upper back and shoulders.

He’d relieved her of every scrap of clothing she wore and sent it all to the floor in a graceful tumble. Tielle arched and bucked her hips in a wild fashion until Grae laid a heavy forearm across her belly. The move effectively stifled any movement on Tielle’s part.