Page 26 of Indulge Me Tonight

* * *

The lusty thrusting of his tongue on hers began to show signs of cooling. Infrequently, he sighed her name, but Tielle was in no frame of mind—or body—to hear words that hinted of anything other than those of the most pleasurable variety.

“Grae, please.” She put his free hand to the breast almost bared past the bodice of her dress. She arched, biting down hard on her bottom lip when exquisite sensation lanced through her from the spot where her nipple grazed the middle of his palm.

“Hell…” Grae’s voice was ragged and low, yet he managed to turn the tables and clutched Tielle’s hand then. He secured Tielle’s hand near her head.

Again, Tielle’s eyes flew open. She frowned. “What’s wrong?” She could feel his ardor cooling.

“Not this way. Not here,” he said.

“Do you want to go to my room?”

He chuckled. “Not quite what I meant.”

“Your room?” She sounded hopeful.

“Both rooms.”

Her expression turned gleeful.


Glee transitioned to disappointment.

“I can walk you,” he offered.

“I don’t want you to walk me. I want you to—”


She rolled her eyes, knowing what it sounded like when his mind was made up and would remain unchanged. She pushed at the hand that had been treating her so beautifully. It had turned into a cold reminder of what she was being denied.

Heated, Tielle fixed her clothes while scooting from the sofa. “Don’t bother. I can walk myself.”

“Tel, babe.” He set a hand to her waist. “Don’t go away mad.”

“Don’t worry, Grae. Mad isn’t all I am.” She shoved him aside and left the sofa, storming out of the library in her bare feet.

Graedon claimed the spot Tielle had just vacated. Resting his head on the sofa’s arm, he groaned.

* * *

“So how’d you leave things with her?”

“I’m pretty sure she’s somewhere in this house still cursing me.”

Leo’s chuckles deepened as they had since the onset of his phone call with Grae. “It’s never a good thing to have a woman that fine pissed at you.”

“I got that part, Leo. If you could give me the trick for getting her unpissed, I’d be grateful.”

Leo’s sigh wasn’t reassuring. “If I knew that answer, I’d not be thrice divorced.”

The two had been talking for over a half hour that morning. Grae had been up since well before sunrise after a night of restless sleep. Sleep? He doubted he’d closed his eyes for more than twenty minutes once he’d finally returned to his room.

Thoughts of Tielle angry with him, however, weren’t the only things jockeying for space in his cluttered mind. He’d also called to discuss his brother’s weirder-than-normal behavior the night before.

“It was like he was hinting at something, but trying to veil it behind confusion,” Grae said once the conversation had returned to Faro. “I got the impression he already knew whatever it was he wanted the rest of the group to own up to.”

“So he just came at everybody with this and demanded they join him in this cleansing session?” Leo asked, following several quiet moments.

“He said something about things…changing in the family after a certain point.”

“What?” Leo’s voice hitched on something akin to astonishment in addition to curiosity.

Grae didn’t notice, owning Leo’s query up to proof of surprise over Faro’s increasing aptitude for strangeness. Besides, he was too weary to wax on conspiracy theories. After all, he was in the midst of hungering insatiably for his wife—ex-wife—and trying to concoct a way to win her back while surrounded by his drama-prone family.

“Did anything else seem off?” Leo asked.

Grae’s sigh rounded out into a groan. “Whatever this supposed change is about, apparently it all happened when we were kids.”

“He said that? Grae? What’d he say exactly?”

“Come on, Leo, you know him. A bunch of nothin’.” Grae scratched at his muscle-packed abdomen and silently summoned the will to push out of bed.