Page 22 of Indulge Me Tonight

As Tielle had predicted, all eyes turned toward herself and Grae.

* * *

With his family looking on, Grae watched his brother do something he’d never witnessed—take responsibility for his own wrongdoing.

Faro’s expression was earnest. “Tielle, I’m sorry for making you feel so torn, at odds with yourself for doing what you thought was right and what was best for your marriage. I should’ve told you it wasn’t your place, refused your help.” He looked to his brother. “Grae, I should’ve gone along with your wishes to keep her out of it. If I’d helped you put up a united front, things may’ve been a lot simpler and it all never would’ve gone as far as…badly as it did.”

Faro hid his hands in his walnut-colored trouser pockets. “I’ve apologized before, but never really came clean with any real depth and before the eyes and ears of our family. Tielle, Grae, I’m sorry.”

Faro allowed a span of time to pass between them before he once again addressed the group. “It’s as simple as that, folks. Admit to the wrongdoings and the parts we played in damaging our family.”

“You’re making it hard to be blackmailed, that’s for damn sure.”

There was some laughter at Barry’s words, but not much. Faro smiled wanly.

“Family, sooner or later all the ugliness will catch up to us. Then it’ll ooze over with the business and bring tension there, as well,” he said. “I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already. Surprised Grae can still work with me, much less look at me. I’ve had enough, but that doesn’t matter if none of the rest of you have.”

“Where’s all this coming from, Faro?” Jill Clegg asked. “We aren’t all at each other’s throats. If anything, you and Grae do more squabbling than anyone.”

“Amen,” Asia supported her great-aunt’s claim, “and I wonder why that is.”

“Asia…” Ranata warned her cousin.

“You wonder why?” Faro challenged his cousin’s words, a glare bringing his dark face into further shadow. “Anybody could feel the coldness in the family after a certain point.”

“Faro?” Desree’s expression was both curious and haunted. “Honey, what in the world are you talking about?”

“And how do you know about any coldness in the family?” Jill challenged. “You’re a child.”

“I’m old enough to remember it,” Faro argued.

“You ain’t that old,” Russell snapped.

“Is this what you dragged us out here for, boy?” Paul frowned. “To rehash some drama you think you sensed when you were a kid?”

“Can any one of you say this family has no issues?” Faro asked, his patience with his family showing signs of strain.

“All families have issues, honey.” Desree’s reminder was soft.

“Damn right,” Asia blurted. “And none that require a bloated getaway in some overpriced resort.”

“And that’s enough for me.” Tielle sighed, her voice holding a trace of happy relief. She stood.

“Please, sweetie,” Desree urged with a poised wave, “don’t go. We haven’t even had the chance to enjoy our delicious meal yet.”

“I know, Des.” Tielle managed a soft smile in the woman’s direction. “But I’ve had more than enough.”

Asia gasped at the comment as Tielle threw down her napkin and left the dining room. Grae decided not to follow his ex-wife even though he wanted to. He’d go to her shortly, but he wanted to stay and observe his brother.

There was something more in motion then, he realized. Whatever he and Leo had suspected may have had merit, but it was in no way the endgame.

So much for swooping in to save the day, he thought.

It seemed he’d have no other choice than to wait for Faro to reveal his hand. That meant spending less time tending to what he’d really come there for—Tielle.

* * *

Dinner turned out to be more of a touch-and-go event than it was intended to be. No one complained. Faro’s attempt to have the family share its deepest and darkest had most certainly backfired. Still, the man tried his best to salvage what he’d planned for the night. He’d apparently hoped that a change of venue might loosen tongues, but instead the family made silent choices to help themselves at the impressive buffet and then to enjoy meals in the privacy of their respective suites.