* * *
Tielle had thrown herself into taking care of busywork for most of the afternoon. Following the warm reunion with Asia and Ranata, Tielle was better prepared for the rest of her ex’s chilly female cousins. She received even less warmth from the older Clegg women and had taken to checking her watch often in hopes of finding that dinner was served or that the much anticipated bedtime had arrived.
She’d stopped off to check on things in the kitchen—a place that usually soothed frazzled nerves. Especially true now, because she saw works of edible art being created when she arrived. That evening, the cook staff was in their element and ready to boast about their efforts. They offered Tielle samples of what they had planned for the evening’s meal.
The plate of spinach and cream cheese pinwheels, bourbon and scallion chicken strips and vegetable sautéed rice put a small but welcomed coating on Tielle’s stomach. The treat gave her the strength—she hoped—to handle the remainder of her hellacious evening.
“That was fantastic, guys! Can’t wait for dinner!” Tielle was in high spirits as she took the kitchen exit. In the corridor, she ran into an unexpected guest.
Laughing as much from relief as happiness, Tielle fell into the open arms of yet another Clegg family member. She greeted Desree Clegg, the eldest of the Clegg family and Ken Clegg’s sister.
“What are you doing here in all this madness?” Happier than she’d been in a long time, Tielle pressed a kiss to the woman’s cheek.
Desree Clegg’s plump caramel-toned face was even lovelier than usual thanks to the brightness of her smile. “I could ask the same of you, miss,” she scolded.
“Faro asked me to stay.”
The explanation dimmed Des’s smile a little. “What’s that boy up to?”
Tielle laughed. “You sound just like Grae.” Instantly, she regretted the slip when a knowing light crept into Desree’s dark eyes.
“Is that a…recent insight?”
“Des…I’ve only seen him once and that was only so he could ask me to go along with Faro having the retreat here.”
Desree snorted. “Now what’s that boy up to?”
Tielle linked an arm through the crook of Desree’s. “Maybe they’re finally trying to come together.”
Rich laughter tumbled from a still shapely mouth when Des threw back her head. “The only thing those two have ever come together over is nothing.”
Tielle laughed again, feeling ever more peaceful in the presence of her favorite Clegg.
“You know you don’t need to be here.” Desree’s reminder held a warning.
“I’m jumping ship as soon as everyone’s safely tucked away in their beds.”
“And what will you do if Grae personally asks you to stay?”
“Is he coming?” Tielle felt as though lead was weighing her down and keeping her pinned to her spot.
“It makes sense, doesn’t it?” Desree’s dark eyes sparkled as vibrantly as the small row of sequins lining the pocket of her lavender smock blouse. “I mean, he did make a point of asking you to help this event happen.”
“I can’t see him again.” Tielle refused to give in to the shiver creeping up her back.
“Lord, child, was it that awful?”
“No, Des…that’s the problem.” Tielle pulled her arm free of Des’s. “I should’ve turned him down flat when he asked me to do this but as usual, Grae snaps his fingers and I fall in line whenever he wants me. The man doesn’t know what it sounds like to hear me say no.”
“So teach him then, child.” Desree bumped the younger woman’s shoulder with her own.
Tielle’s smile lost its glee to recapture despair. “The last time I tried that, he divorced me.”
* * *
Tielle waited until after midnight to make good on her plans for escape. The word coward resounded in her head like a chime, but she didn’t begrudge it. One day she was running her business, trying and failing to forget Graedon Clegg had ever been part of her life. The next day he was there talking to her as though the past year had never happened. Not to mention the fact that she was once again, and all too soon, surrounded by almost the entire Clegg clan. What was she supposed to do with all that? What could anyone do with all that?